(1) S'aunaka said: "The [embryo in the] womb of
Uttarâ, that was tormented by the enormous heat of the invincible
weapon released by As'vatthâmâ, was brought back to life by
the Lord. (2) How was Emperor
Parîkchit born who was highly intelligent and proved to be a
great soul? How exactly did his demise take place and where did that
take him? (3) Please tell it to
us, we all want to hear everything about what you deem worth mentioning
about him. We are of the greatest respect for you to whom S'ukadeva
Gosvâmî delivered the knowledge of the Supreme."
(4) Sûta said: "King Yudhishthhira brought wealth, the way his father did, in pleasing his subjects without in his observance of Krishna's feet being motivated for the ulterior of any material gain or sense gratification. (5) The fame of his wealth, sacrifices, what he stood for, his queens, his brothers and his sovereignty over the planet earth where we are living, even spread to the heavens. (6) But, just as only food may satisfy a hungry man and nothing else, he in his hunger as a God-fearing person, oh brahmins, was not moved by all those earthly desirables that are aspired by even the denizens of heaven.
(7) At the time Parîkchit the great fighter, as a child in his mother's womb, was suffering from the heat of the brahmâstra weapon, oh son of Bhrigu, he could see the Purusha [the original person] in a shining appearance. (8) In the blaze he saw at the size of not more than a thumb the transcendental, infallible Lord beautiful with a dark skin, a golden helmet and lightening clothes. (9) With the riches of His four arms, earrings of the purest gold, bloodshot eyes and a club in His hands, He was moving about, constantly circling the club around like it was a torch. (10) As He was vanquishing the radiation of the brahmâstra like the sun evaporating dew drops, He was observed by the child who wondered who He was. (11) He saw how the all-pervading Supersoul, the Supreme Lord and protector of righteousness, took away the glare upon which the Lord who stretches in all directions all of a sudden disappeared from his sight. (12) Thereupon, when the good signs of a favorable position of the stars gradually evolved, he who would prove himself as being of a prowess equal to that of Pându, took his birth as the heir apparent of Pându. (13) King Yudhishthhira gladdened had priests like Dhaumya and Kripa perform the birth ritual with the recitation of auspicious hymns. (14) Knowing where, when and how, he in charity rewarded for the occasion the learned ones with good food and gifts of gold, cows, land, housing, elephants and horses. (15) The brahmins happily addressed the king, the chief of the Purus, communicating that they felt very obliged to the descent in the line of the Purus [of the descendants of their ancestor King Puru]. (16) They said: 'For the purpose of obliging you to Him this son by the all-pervasive and all-powerful Lord has been saved from being destroyed by the irresistible, supernatural weapon. (17) Therefore he shall become well known in all the worlds as the one protected by Vishnu. No doubt he will be a most fortunate, supreme devotee endowed with all good qualities.'
(18) The good king said: 'Oh best of the truthful, will he follow in the footsteps of all the great souls of this family of saintly kings? Will he, to the honor of his family name, be meritorious and true to his word in his achievements?'
(4) Sûta said: "King Yudhishthhira brought wealth, the way his father did, in pleasing his subjects without in his observance of Krishna's feet being motivated for the ulterior of any material gain or sense gratification. (5) The fame of his wealth, sacrifices, what he stood for, his queens, his brothers and his sovereignty over the planet earth where we are living, even spread to the heavens. (6) But, just as only food may satisfy a hungry man and nothing else, he in his hunger as a God-fearing person, oh brahmins, was not moved by all those earthly desirables that are aspired by even the denizens of heaven.
(7) At the time Parîkchit the great fighter, as a child in his mother's womb, was suffering from the heat of the brahmâstra weapon, oh son of Bhrigu, he could see the Purusha [the original person] in a shining appearance. (8) In the blaze he saw at the size of not more than a thumb the transcendental, infallible Lord beautiful with a dark skin, a golden helmet and lightening clothes. (9) With the riches of His four arms, earrings of the purest gold, bloodshot eyes and a club in His hands, He was moving about, constantly circling the club around like it was a torch. (10) As He was vanquishing the radiation of the brahmâstra like the sun evaporating dew drops, He was observed by the child who wondered who He was. (11) He saw how the all-pervading Supersoul, the Supreme Lord and protector of righteousness, took away the glare upon which the Lord who stretches in all directions all of a sudden disappeared from his sight. (12) Thereupon, when the good signs of a favorable position of the stars gradually evolved, he who would prove himself as being of a prowess equal to that of Pându, took his birth as the heir apparent of Pându. (13) King Yudhishthhira gladdened had priests like Dhaumya and Kripa perform the birth ritual with the recitation of auspicious hymns. (14) Knowing where, when and how, he in charity rewarded for the occasion the learned ones with good food and gifts of gold, cows, land, housing, elephants and horses. (15) The brahmins happily addressed the king, the chief of the Purus, communicating that they felt very obliged to the descent in the line of the Purus [of the descendants of their ancestor King Puru]. (16) They said: 'For the purpose of obliging you to Him this son by the all-pervasive and all-powerful Lord has been saved from being destroyed by the irresistible, supernatural weapon. (17) Therefore he shall become well known in all the worlds as the one protected by Vishnu. No doubt he will be a most fortunate, supreme devotee endowed with all good qualities.'
(18) The good king said: 'Oh best of the truthful, will he follow in the footsteps of all the great souls of this family of saintly kings? Will he, to the honor of his family name, be meritorious and true to his word in his achievements?'
(19) The brahmins answered: 'Oh son of Prithâ
[Kuntî], he will be the maintainer of all living entities,
exactly like King Ikshvâku, the son of Manu, and he will be
faithful to his promises and have respect for the learned just like
Râma, the son of Das'aratha. (20) He will be as charitable as King S'ibi of
Us'înara and protect the ones of surrender, and like Bharata, the
son of Dushyanta who performed many sacrifices, he will spread the name
and fame of his family. (21) Among the archers he will be as good as the
two Arjunas [his grandfather and the king of Haihaya], he will be as
irresistible as fire and as unsurpassable as the ocean. (22) As powerful as a
lion and as worthy for taking shelter as the Himalayas, he will be as
forbearing as the earth and as tolerant as his parents. (23) With a spirit as
good as that of the original father Brahmâ, he will be as
generous and equanimous as Lord S'iva and be the refuge of all living
beings as good as the Supreme Lord with whom the Goddess of Fortune
resides. (24) Following in the
footsteps of Lord Krishna he will be of the majesty of all divine
virtues, he will have the greatness of King Rantideva and be as pious
as Yayâti. (25) Being as patient as Bali Mahârâja this
child will be as devoted as Prahlâda was unto Lord Krishna and he
will perform As'vamedha [horse] sacrifices and be faithful to the
elderly and experienced. (26) He will bring forth kings as good as sages,
will chastise the upstarts and crush the quarrelsome for the sake of
world peace and the religion. (27) After having heard of
his personal death, that is caused by a snakebird sent by the son of a
brahmin, he will free himself from his attachments and take to the
shelter of the Lord. (28) Having inquired after
the right self-knowledge with the son of sage Vyâsa he, oh King,
will abandon his material life on the banks of the river Ganges and
attain a life of fearlessness.'
(29) After they thus had informed the king and were generously rewarded, they who are learned in matters of astrology and birth ceremonies returned to their homes. (30) He, oh master [S'aunaka], would become famous in this world as Parîkchit, the examiner, because he from what he had seen before his birth, keeping Him constantly in mind would be examining all men. (31) Just like the waxing moon growing day by day, the royal prince under the care of his protective parents soon grew up day by day to what he would be.
(32) King Yudhishthhira, desiring to perform a horse sacrifice to be freed from the burden of having fought his kinsmen, thought about acquiring funds because all he received stemmed from collecting taxes and fines. (33) In respect of his mindful wishes his brothers, advised by the Infallible One, went north to collect sufficient riches. (34) With the result of that collected wealth Yudhishthhira, the pious king who was so anxious, managed to conduct three horse sacrifices with which he worshiped Lord Hari perfectly. (35) The Supreme Lord, with the help of whom the twice-born could perform the sacrifices, then invited by the king stayed for a few months more to please the ones who loved Him. (36) Thereafter, dear brahmins, He, with the permission of the king, Draupadî and His relatives, went back to Dvârakâ accompanied by Arjuna and other members of the Yadu dynasty."
(29) After they thus had informed the king and were generously rewarded, they who are learned in matters of astrology and birth ceremonies returned to their homes. (30) He, oh master [S'aunaka], would become famous in this world as Parîkchit, the examiner, because he from what he had seen before his birth, keeping Him constantly in mind would be examining all men. (31) Just like the waxing moon growing day by day, the royal prince under the care of his protective parents soon grew up day by day to what he would be.
(32) King Yudhishthhira, desiring to perform a horse sacrifice to be freed from the burden of having fought his kinsmen, thought about acquiring funds because all he received stemmed from collecting taxes and fines. (33) In respect of his mindful wishes his brothers, advised by the Infallible One, went north to collect sufficient riches. (34) With the result of that collected wealth Yudhishthhira, the pious king who was so anxious, managed to conduct three horse sacrifices with which he worshiped Lord Hari perfectly. (35) The Supreme Lord, with the help of whom the twice-born could perform the sacrifices, then invited by the king stayed for a few months more to please the ones who loved Him. (36) Thereafter, dear brahmins, He, with the permission of the king, Draupadî and His relatives, went back to Dvârakâ accompanied by Arjuna and other members of the Yadu dynasty."