9: Mother
Yas'odâ Binds Lord
(1-2) S'rî S'uka said: 'One day, when the
maidservants were otherwise engaged, mother
Yas'odâ, Nanda's queen, was churning and making her curd. During the time she was churning the butter she sang songs
about everything she could remember her son had done. (3) Being
dressed in linen that was held by a belt around her shaking hips, her
breasts, which at the nipples were wet because
of her affection for her son, moved
as she was churning and with that movement the bangles on her wrists and her earrings moved along in
harmony. The perspiration because of the labor
of pulling the churning rope meanwhile ran down her face and
fell down together with the jasmine flowers from her hair. (4)
The Lord desirous to
drink approached her as she was churning and getting affectionate with
His mother, He stopped the churning rod by taking hold of it. (5) She
allowed Him on her lap to drink from her overflowing, loving
breasts and watched with a smile how happy He was. When she saw how a
pan of milk was boiling over
she had to put Him aside quickly and
leave, but He was
not yet
satisfied. (6) Having
angry He, biting His full red lips and with false tears, with a
stone broke the
pot in
which the butter was churned and, hidden from
sight in an adjacent room, He began
eat from everything that was churned. (7) The gopî
rescued the boiling hot milk from the stove and returned to
her workplace where she discovered that the churning pot was broken.
Not seeing her child she with a smile concluded
that it had been His work. (8) Standing on top of a mortar He had turned
over, He, anxiously looking around, from a
hanging [storage] pot to His
pleasure handed a
share of the milk goodies out to
a monkey. From
watching these activities, she
very slowly approached her son. (9) Seeing
approaching with a stick in her hand He quickly climbed down and
fled away, like
He was afraid, with the gopî after Him - He
who could not even be reached by the greatest yogis of
penance who try to get access in
their meditation [see
also B.G. 18: 55]. (10) Even
though the
quickly chasing mother with the flowers falling from her
hair and with her heavy breasts to her thin waist, had to slow down,
she nevertheless finally managed
to capture Him. (11) Seeing the little scoundrel remorsefully crying and
rubbing the collyrium of
His eyes all over His face with His hands, she caught Him with His
fearful eyes by the hand with a threatening pose. (12) With
a good heart
for her son understanding His fear she threw away
the stick though and decided to bind Him with a rope. But she did not
what kind
of power she was dealing with.
(13-14) He to whom there is neither an inside nor an outside, neither a beginning nor an end, is both the beginning and the end, both the inside and the outside of the universe. He constitutes the complete of the universe. And He, the One Unmanifest, the One Unseen present in the form of a mortal being, was by the gopî taken for her son and bound to a mortar like one does with a normal child. (15) When the rope she used to bind her naughty child fell short with a length of an inch, the gopî tied another rope to it. (16) When even that one fell short she tried another one that, joining and joining, would not suffice either to bind Him staying short with [again] an inch. (17) Yas'odâ proceeded with all the ropes in the household and thus failing she, being struck with wonder, had to laugh together with all the gopîs taking part in the fun. (18) Seeing His mother sweating and getting tired and all the flowers falling down from her loosened hair, Krishna was so gracious to allow her to bind Him. (19) My best one, the Lord factually thus exhibited how He, Krishna, despite of being the controller of the entire universe with all its demigods, is controlled by the servant [who is ruled] by His wishes [His devotees. Compare 7.3: 14-21]. (20) Neither Lord Brahmâ, Lord S'iva, nor the Goddess of Fortune albeit residing at His side, received from the Giver of Final Liberation the mercy the gopî obtained. (21) They who adhere to the physical concept of life [the karmis] as also the jñânis [the book people, the transcendentalists] and they who go for the soul only [the escapists, the impersonalists] cannot win as easily the Supreme Lord, the Son of the Gopî, as those can who are convinced of bhakti [of devotional service] in this world [see also B.G. 11: 54 and 18: 16].
(22) While His mother was very busily engaged in her household, the Lord observed two arjuna trees outside who had been demigods [Guhyakas]. They once were the sons of the bestower of riches [Kuvera]. (23) They were known then as the very prosperous Nalakûvara and Manigrîva, but because of their conceit they had been cursed by Nârada to become trees.'
(13-14) He to whom there is neither an inside nor an outside, neither a beginning nor an end, is both the beginning and the end, both the inside and the outside of the universe. He constitutes the complete of the universe. And He, the One Unmanifest, the One Unseen present in the form of a mortal being, was by the gopî taken for her son and bound to a mortar like one does with a normal child. (15) When the rope she used to bind her naughty child fell short with a length of an inch, the gopî tied another rope to it. (16) When even that one fell short she tried another one that, joining and joining, would not suffice either to bind Him staying short with [again] an inch. (17) Yas'odâ proceeded with all the ropes in the household and thus failing she, being struck with wonder, had to laugh together with all the gopîs taking part in the fun. (18) Seeing His mother sweating and getting tired and all the flowers falling down from her loosened hair, Krishna was so gracious to allow her to bind Him. (19) My best one, the Lord factually thus exhibited how He, Krishna, despite of being the controller of the entire universe with all its demigods, is controlled by the servant [who is ruled] by His wishes [His devotees. Compare 7.3: 14-21]. (20) Neither Lord Brahmâ, Lord S'iva, nor the Goddess of Fortune albeit residing at His side, received from the Giver of Final Liberation the mercy the gopî obtained. (21) They who adhere to the physical concept of life [the karmis] as also the jñânis [the book people, the transcendentalists] and they who go for the soul only [the escapists, the impersonalists] cannot win as easily the Supreme Lord, the Son of the Gopî, as those can who are convinced of bhakti [of devotional service] in this world [see also B.G. 11: 54 and 18: 16].
(22) While His mother was very busily engaged in her household, the Lord observed two arjuna trees outside who had been demigods [Guhyakas]. They once were the sons of the bestower of riches [Kuvera]. (23) They were known then as the very prosperous Nalakûvara and Manigrîva, but because of their conceit they had been cursed by Nârada to become trees.'