Krishna and the Gopis
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-02-02, 2:05 AM

    Krishna and the Gopis

    Krishna and Balarama were very naughty children. Krishna loved playing the flute while Balarama tended the cows. The young Krishna steeling clothes of the gopismilkmaids called gopis liked the sound of the flute and also went along with Krishna and Balarama when they went to graze the cows.

    One day, the gopis went for a bath in the river nearby. Krishna and his friends decided to play a trick on them. They quietly followed the gopis too the river and hid behind the trees.

    When the gopis shed their clothes and went into the river to bathe, Krishna and his friends emerged from the bushes and took their clothes and hid them. The gopis begged and pleaded for their clothes. After teasing them for some time, Krishna finally decided to give back their clothes.