Chapter 34: Sudars'ana Delivered and S'ankhacûda Killed
S'rî S'uka said: 'One day went the gopas
eager for God on a trip with bullock carts into the Ambikâ
forest. (2) There bathing in the Sarasvatî they
worshiped with paraphernalia devout the mighty demigod Pas'upati [S'iva
as the lord of the animals] and the goddess Ambikâ [*], o King. (3)
With respect donating to all the brahmins cows, gold clothing and
grains that mixed with honey tasted sweet prayed they to that occasion:
'devo nah prîyatâm' [may God be pleased with us]. (4) Submitting to strict vows subsisting on
water only [see 8.16]
stayed the highly blessed Nanda, Sunanda [Nanda's younger brother] and
the others that night on the bank of the Sarasvatî. (5) Some giant snake in that vicinity most
hungrily happened to go there slithering on his belly and began to
swallow Nanda. (6) He, seized by
the python, shouted: 'Krishna, o Krishna, my dear boy, save this
surrendered soul, this huge serpent is devouring me!' (7) Upon hearing his cries rose the gopas
immediately and seized they, perplexed to see what happened, firebrands
to attack the snake. (8) Despite of
being burned by the torches did the snake not release Nanda but then
came the Supreme Lord, the Master of the Devotees and touched him with
His foot. (9) And verily was by the divine touch of the
Supreme Lord His foot that badness ended and could appearing from the
snake's body left behind a by the Vidyâdharas worshiped form
[their leader thus] be seen. (10)
The Lord of the Senses then questioned that personality who, head down,
with his body adorned with a golden necklace, brilliantly shining stood
before Him. (11) 'Who might you be so most beautifully
shining and wondrous to see? Tell Me what led to this terrible
destination of having been forced to assume such a ghastly form [7.13: 11]?'
12-13) The [erstwhile] serpent said: 'I am Sudars'ana, a certain Vidyâdhara well-known for his opulence and appearance. I used to wander all the directions in my celestial carrier. Vainglorious having laughed at the sages who came forth from Angirâ was I for my sin of deriding them made to assume this ugly form. (14) They so compassionate of nature for sure with their pronouncing the imprecation have prepared me a blessing because thus, after being touched by the foot of the Master of All Worlds, all my viciousness was destroyed. (15) You, the same person who for the surrendered art the Remover of the fear of a material existence, I beg for Your permission [to return to my world], o You who by the touch of Your foot freed me from the curse, o Destroyer of All Distress. (16) I am surrendered to You o Greatest of All Yogis , o Supreme Personality, o Master of the Truthful, please command me o God, o Controller of all Controllers of the Universe. (17) Seeing You I was immediately freed from the punishment of the brahmins, o Acyuta, You whose name being sung instantly purifies all those who may hear it as well as indeed the singer himself; not mentioning even what it means to be touched by Your foot!'
(18) Thus circumambulating offering his obeisances received Sudars'ana permission to leave His presence so that he could go to heaven and was Nanda delivered from his predicament. (19) To witness that personal display of Krishna's power boggled the minds of the men of Vraja. Directly after the incident they finished their vows and turned back to the cowherd village, o King, [on their way] with reverence recounting what had happened.
(20) Some day thereafter [at Gaura-pûrnimâ one says] were Govinda and Râma, whose deeds are so wonderful, in the middle of the night in the forest playing with the girls of Vraja. (21) Their glories were with charm sung by the womenfolk bound in affection to Them whose limbs were finely decorated and smeared next to the garlands and the impeccable clothes they wore. (22) Earlier that evening honored the both of Them the moon risen, the stars, the jasmine buds that with their fragrance intoxicated the bees who were mad thereafter and the breeze transporting the fragrance of the lotuses. (23) The two sang to the mind and ears of all living beings of the happiness, together producing high and low the entire scale of notes available. (24) The gopîs hearing their singing fascinated as they were didn't notice, o ruler of man, how their dresses slipped and their hair and flowers got disheveled. (25) As the two thus to their heart's content were amusing Themselves singing to the point of ecstasy, arrived a servant of Kuvera at the scene named S'ankhacûda ['wealthy-crest']. (26) Right before their eyes, o King, drove he the gathering of women who had Them for their Lords, dauntless under their cries in the northern direction. (27-28) Seeing how the ones belonging to them like a couple of cows were seized by a thief and were crying 'Krishna, o Râma, help us!', sped the two brothers after them. (29) When he saw how the two like Time and Death were approaching got he afraid and left he in his confusion the women behind to run for his life. (30) Govinda eager after his crest jewel pursued him wherever he fled, while Balarâma stayed behind to protect the women. (31) Overtaking him like it was nothing blew He, the Almighty Lord, with His fist in one blow off his crest jewel together with his head. (32) Thus having killed S'ankhacûda took He the shining jewel to His elder brother and handed He, while the gopîs watching, it over to Him satisfied about what He had done.'
12-13) The [erstwhile] serpent said: 'I am Sudars'ana, a certain Vidyâdhara well-known for his opulence and appearance. I used to wander all the directions in my celestial carrier. Vainglorious having laughed at the sages who came forth from Angirâ was I for my sin of deriding them made to assume this ugly form. (14) They so compassionate of nature for sure with their pronouncing the imprecation have prepared me a blessing because thus, after being touched by the foot of the Master of All Worlds, all my viciousness was destroyed. (15) You, the same person who for the surrendered art the Remover of the fear of a material existence, I beg for Your permission [to return to my world], o You who by the touch of Your foot freed me from the curse, o Destroyer of All Distress. (16) I am surrendered to You o Greatest of All Yogis , o Supreme Personality, o Master of the Truthful, please command me o God, o Controller of all Controllers of the Universe. (17) Seeing You I was immediately freed from the punishment of the brahmins, o Acyuta, You whose name being sung instantly purifies all those who may hear it as well as indeed the singer himself; not mentioning even what it means to be touched by Your foot!'
(18) Thus circumambulating offering his obeisances received Sudars'ana permission to leave His presence so that he could go to heaven and was Nanda delivered from his predicament. (19) To witness that personal display of Krishna's power boggled the minds of the men of Vraja. Directly after the incident they finished their vows and turned back to the cowherd village, o King, [on their way] with reverence recounting what had happened.
(20) Some day thereafter [at Gaura-pûrnimâ one says] were Govinda and Râma, whose deeds are so wonderful, in the middle of the night in the forest playing with the girls of Vraja. (21) Their glories were with charm sung by the womenfolk bound in affection to Them whose limbs were finely decorated and smeared next to the garlands and the impeccable clothes they wore. (22) Earlier that evening honored the both of Them the moon risen, the stars, the jasmine buds that with their fragrance intoxicated the bees who were mad thereafter and the breeze transporting the fragrance of the lotuses. (23) The two sang to the mind and ears of all living beings of the happiness, together producing high and low the entire scale of notes available. (24) The gopîs hearing their singing fascinated as they were didn't notice, o ruler of man, how their dresses slipped and their hair and flowers got disheveled. (25) As the two thus to their heart's content were amusing Themselves singing to the point of ecstasy, arrived a servant of Kuvera at the scene named S'ankhacûda ['wealthy-crest']. (26) Right before their eyes, o King, drove he the gathering of women who had Them for their Lords, dauntless under their cries in the northern direction. (27-28) Seeing how the ones belonging to them like a couple of cows were seized by a thief and were crying 'Krishna, o Râma, help us!', sped the two brothers after them. (29) When he saw how the two like Time and Death were approaching got he afraid and left he in his confusion the women behind to run for his life. (30) Govinda eager after his crest jewel pursued him wherever he fled, while Balarâma stayed behind to protect the women. (31) Overtaking him like it was nothing blew He, the Almighty Lord, with His fist in one blow off his crest jewel together with his head. (32) Thus having killed S'ankhacûda took He the shining jewel to His elder brother and handed He, while the gopîs watching, it over to Him satisfied about what He had done.'