Chapter 12: Dhruva Mahârâja Goes Back to Godhead
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-01-18, 6:20 AM

    Chapter 12: Dhruva Mahârâja Goes Back to Godhead

    (1) Maitreya said: 'Having learned that Dhruva, with his anger lingered, had refrained from killing, Kuvera, the master of the treasury who is worshiped by the Câranas, Kinnaras [singers and indwellers of heaven] and Yakshas, appeared there and spoke to Dhruva who stood with folded hands before him. (2) The master of the treasury said: 'Oh son of the ruler, I am very glad about you oh sinless one, because you being instructed by your grandfather gave up the enmity that is so difficult to avoid. (3) You didn't kill the Yakshas, nor killed the Yakshas your brother, for it is the Time that is really the master of annihilation and generation of all living beings. (4) One's intelligence is of ignorance with the misconceptions of 'I' and 'you'. To a person who follows the bodily concept life appears to be just like in a dream; [the physical approach] is the cause of bondage and misfortune. (5) I wish you all good fortune oh Dhruva, live with that in mind for the worship of the Supreme Lord Beyond the Senses of all living beings thinking of Him in the form of the one Supersoul within all that lives.  (6) Be of devotion unto Him whose lotus feet deserve it to be worshiped, for they deliver you from a material existence and cut through the knot of being materially entangled. Even though He in His potency of ruling the modes is connected to them, He by His inconceivable nature is aloof from them. (7) Oh King, please ask without hesitation from me whatever you deem desirable oh son of Uttânapâda, because you, oh dear one, considering your endurance at the lotus feet of Him from whose navel the lotus sprouted, deserve the benediction.'

    Life's Purpose
    (8) Maitreya said: 'He, by the treasure king of  all kings [the ruler of the Yakshas] being offered a benediction, asked, as a first class intelligent and thoughtful devotee of the Lord, for the continuous remembrance by which one without difficulty crosses over the unsurpassable ocean of nescience. (9) Kuvera, the son of Idavidâ, who was very pleased with Dhruva's mentality, granted him that remembrance and next disappeared from sight. Dhruva then also returned to his capital. (10) He subsequently worshiped by means of sacrificial ceremonies and great charities with all that he had, could accomplish and divine support he could find, the Ruler of all Sacrifices, the objective [of one's life] who awards all results. (11) Uninterruptedly rendering service unto the one infallible Soul above all, he saw all living beings as present in Him alone and Him Almighty as the one and only present within all living beings. (12) Thus endowed with godly qualities he, who as a kind protector of the principles of religion had respect for the brahmins and the poor, was considered the father of the people. (13) During the thirty-six thousand years of his rule over the planet Earth he by enjoyment exhausted his merits and by austerity diminished his misfortune. (14) Thus free from agitating his senses the great soul [life after life] for many, many years favorably executed the three kinds of civil duties [the regulation of religion, economy and sense gratification], after which he handed the royal throne over to his son. (15) He realized that this universe consisting of His external energy, to the living being was a phantasmagoria that just like a dream is a result of ignorance. (16) He considered everything created comprising his body, his wives, children, friends, his influence, riches, the pleasure grounds, the facilities for his women and the complete of the beauty of the earth with its oceans, as something bound to time and for that reason he left for Badarikâs'rama [the Himalayan forest]. (17) There he purified his body, bathing in pure water and, fixed in yogic postures, controlled the breathing process by withdrawing the mind from his physical senses. Concentrating on the exact form of the Lord he constantly kept in mind, he thus meditating became fully absorbed. (18) Constantly engaged in his devotion for Lord Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he was of an everlasting bliss and again and again overcome by a stream of tears that made his heart melt and all the hairs of his body stand on end. He no longer remembered that he had a body and was thus liberated from [also the subtlety of] being materially bound [mukta-linga].

    (19) Dhruva saw a very beautiful heavenly vehicle [a vimâna] descending from the sky which illumined him and the ten directions as if the full moon itself had appeared. (20) Therein he discerned two beautiful demigods with four arms, a blackish skin, being quite young and with eyes as pink as a lotus flower. They held clubs and were attractively dressed and decorated with helmets, bracelets, necklaces and earrings. (21) Understanding them to be two servants of the Renown One, he stood up, but being puzzled he didn't know anymore how to receive them with proper respect and thus he respectfully joined his hands offering his respects by chanting the names of the chief of these associates, the Enemy of Madhu. (22) He whose heart was always absorbed in thoughts about the feet of Lord Krishna, very humbly folding his hands bowed his head while Nanda and Sunanda, the two confidential servants of the One with the Lotus navel, smilingly approached and addressed him. (23) Nanda and Sunanda said: 'Oh best of kings! All good fortune to you. Listen attentively to our words. You are the one who, being five years old, greatly satisfied God by doing penance. (24) As the associates of the creator of this entire universe, of the Godhead who carries the bow named S'ârnga, we have approached you to take you with us to the Lord His abode. (25) You have achieved the world of Vishnu that is so difficult to achieve that not even the greatest of enlightenment could reach there. Come and see the supreme abode around which to the right the moon, the sun, the other planets and the stars are circumambulating. (26) This has never been achieved by your forefathers nor by others oh dear one, come and live there in that supreme abode of Lord Vishnu who is so worshipable for the inhabitants of the universe. (27) Oh immortal soul, you deserve it to board this unique heavenly vehicle that was sent to you by the One Praised in the Verses, the head of all living beings.'

    (28) Sage Maitreya said: 'After hearing the words pouring like honey from the chief associates of the Lord, he who was so dear to Him, after offering the sages his obeisances and accepting their blessings, took a purifying bath and performed his daily duties. (29) After in worship having circumambulated that excellent heavenly vehicle and also having paid his obeisances to the two associates, he whose form shone with a golden effulgence was ready to get on board. (30) Then the son of Uttânapâda could see death personified approaching him. He put his foot on his head and ascended that wonder that was as big as a house. (31) At that moment kettledrums, mridangas [drums of worship] and small drums and such resounded, while the chief singers of liberation sang and flowers showered like rain. (32) As he was about to ascend to the abode of heaven, Dhruva instantly remembered Sunîti and thought: 'How can I go to the difficult to attain world above all worlds and leave my poor mother behind?' (33) Understanding Dhruva's worries, the two superior beings of enlightenment pointed out to him that she in her divinity had preceded him. (34) On his way passing one after the other all the heavenly spheres, he was covered by even more flowers that here and there by the demigods were showered upon him from their heavenly vehicles. (35) In his vimâna surpassing the three worlds and even going beyond the great sages, Dhruva who had attained eternal life then reached the abode of Lord Vishnu. (36) For certain only those who constantly engage in welfare activities reach that place which radiating by its effulgence, illumines and makes radiate all the three worlds everywhere, and not the ones who weren't merciful with other living beings. (37) Peaceful, equipoised, pure and pleasing to all living beings they of friendship with His devotees easily reach the abode of the Infallible One. (38) Dhruva, the son of Uttânapâda thus departing with Krishna finding his purity, became the summit-jewel of the three worlds. (39) The sphere of the luminaries [the galaxy] with great force and speed being connected unceasingly encircles that place oh Kaurava [Vidura's family name], like a herd of bulls moving around a central pole.

    (40) Having observed Dhruva's glories the wise and great lord Nârada played his stringed instrument in the sacrificial arena of the Pracetâs, chanting [the following] verses. (41) Nârada sang: 'Thanks to the austerity of this son of Sunîti serving her husband so devotedly, we are aware of the path to our life's destination. With those whom one calls the followers of the Vedas one is never certain of being that eligible, not to mention what one achieves with the regular protectors of mankind. (42) He who at the age of five years aggrieved about the harsh words of the wife of his father so very much pained in his heart, in pursuance of my instruction, went  into the forest, won over the unconquerable Supreme Master, winning with the qualities of His devotees. (43) After pleasing the Lord of Vaikunthha he being only five or six years old in the shortest possible time attained His protection. Any other person cannot even expect to attain after many, many of such years [of renunciation] on earth the exalted position that Dhruva, this son of a kshatriya attained.'

    (44) Maitreya said: 'I have told you everything that you here have asked me about the great and famous character of Dhruva who is so very much appreciated by many [a devotee]. (45) [To hear] this bestows wealth and repute, increases one's lifespan and is so greatly sacred and auspicious that one can even attain Dhruva's heaven with it, pleasing as it is to the mind and glorious in counteracting all kinds of sin. (46) When one repeatedly listens to it with faith one develops devotional activities that are dear to the Infallible One and therefrom there is bound to be the full defeat of all hindrances. (47) For the one who hears this story there are the qualities of good conduct and such, it constitutes [a source of] strength for the ones who desire it and it is [a breeding ground for] the honor of those who are thoughtful. (48) Carefully chant in the company of converts in the morning and the evening the sacred renown and great character of Dhruva. (49-50) At the time of a full moon or a new moon, on the day after Ekâdas'î [the twelfth day of a lunar month], when the S'ravana star appears, at the end of a tithi [a lunar day], on a day called Vyatîpâta, at the end of the month or on a holiday [relative to the sun] you should recount the story to a receptive audience without desiring remuneration and take shelter of the lotus feet of Him who is the Refuge of the Seeker. You will find your mind then pacified by the soul and thus become perfect. (51) He who imparts this knowledge to those who are not aware of the principles of reality, walks the path of truth and immortality and will be blessed by the gods for being a kind protector of the seekers. (52) Oh best among the Kurus, thus was my description of the activities, the fame and the great purity of Dhruva who as a child forsaking his toys and his mother left home and found the shelter of Lord Vishnu.' "