Chapter 13: Description of Future Manus
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-01-29, 11:33 PM

    Chapter 13: Description of Future Manus

    (1) S'rî S'uka said: 'Now hear from me about the children of the son of Vivasvân, the present Manu who is known in the world as S'râddhadeva. He is the seventh one [we are now in the twenty-eighth yuga of him who is also known as Vaivasvata Manu]. (2-3) The ten sons of Manu are known as Ikshvâku, Nabhaga, Dhrishtha, S'aryâti, Narishyanta, Nâbhâga [or Nriga] and Dishtha as the seventh one. Then oh chastiser of the enemy, there are Tarûsha [or Karûshaka], Prishadhra and Manu's tenth son who is known as Vasumân [or Kavi, see also 9.1: 11-12]. (4) Oh King, the Âdityas, the Vasus, the Rudras, the Vis'vedevas, the Maruts, the As'vins and the Ribhus are the demigods [during this period] and Purandara is their Indra. (5) Kas'yâpa, Atri, Vasishthha, Vis'vâmitra, Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadvâja are known as the seven sages. (6) The appearance of the Supreme Lord Vishnu that took place during this period was the one of Lord Vâmana. He was the youngest Âditya born from mother Aditi and father Kas'yapa Muni. (7) I briefly described the seven periods of the Manus, let me also tell you about the future Manus endowed with the powers of Vishnu [see 8.1 & 8.5].

    (8) Samjñâ and Châyâ, the two wives of Vivasvân who were the daughters of Vis'vakarmâ oh King, I both described to you previously [see 6.6: 40-41]. (9) Some mention a third wife of Vivasvân: Vadavâ. Of the three of them there were of Samjñâ three children born - a daughter Yamî and the sons Yama and S'râddhadeva. Now hear about the children of Châyâ. (10)  There was Sâvarni [a son], the daughter Tapatî who later became the wife of king Samvarana and S'anais'cara [Saturn] who was the third one. The two As'vins were the sons born from Vadavâ. (11) When the eighth period arrives Sâvarni will become the Manu. The sons of Sâvarni oh ruler of man, are Nirmoka, Virajaska and others. (12) The Sutapâs, the Virajas and the Amritaprabhas will belong to the demigods and Bali, the son of Virocana, will become the Indra. (13) Having donated the entire universe to Vishnu who begged him for three steps of land, he [Bali] will achieve the post of Indra. He will thereafter renouncing achieve the perfection of life. (14) He, Bali, bound by the Supreme Lord, was as a token of His appreciation again favored with the kingdom of Sutala where situated he today still occupies a position more opulent than the one of Indra in heaven. (15-16) Gâlava, Dîptimân, Paras'urâma, As'vatthâmâ, Kripâcârya, Rishyas'ringa and our father Vyâsadeva, the incarnation of the Lord [as a philosopher] will, because of their yoga practice, be the seven sages during the eighth manvantara. They at present are engaged in their respective hermitages oh King. (17) Sârvabhauma, the Lord and Master [over the world] will, fathered by Devaguhya, be born from Sarasvatî and take away by force the lands of Purandara [Indra] and give them to Bali.

    (18) Daksha-sâvarni, the ninth Manu, born as the son of Varuna, will have Bhûtaketu, Dîptaketu and others as his sons oh King. (19) The Pâras, the Marîcigarbhas and others will be the demigods, the king of heaven will be known as Adbhuta and the seven sages of that period will be headed by Dyutimân.  (20) Rishabhadeva, a partial incarnation of the Supreme Lord, will, with Âyushmân as His father, take birth from the womb of Ambudhârâ. Adbhuta will because of Him enjoy all opulence of the three worlds.

    (21) The tenth Manu will be Brahma-sâvarni, son of Upas'loka. His sons will be Bhûrishena and others and the twice-born ones will be headed by Havishmân. (22) Havishmân, Sukrita, Satya, Jaya, Mûrti [and others] are the [seven] sages during that period, the Suvâsanas, the Viruddhas and others will be the demigods and S'ambhu will be the controller of the Suras [the Indra]. (23) One of the Supreme Lord's plenary portions, Vishvaksena, will take birth from the womb of Vishûcî in the home of Vis'vasrashthâ and will make friends with S'ambhu.

    (24) Dharma-sâvarni will be the eleventh Manu to appear in the future. This self-realized soul will have Satyadharma and others as his ten sons. (25) The Vihangamas, Kâmagamas and Nirvânarucis are the demigods then and Vaidhrita will be their Indra. The seven sages are Aruna and others. (26) A partial incarnation of the Lord known as Dharmasetu will be born from the womb of Vaidhritâ as the son of Âryaka and will rule the three worlds.

    (27) Rudra-sâvarni oh King, will appear as the twelfth Manu and Devavân, Upadeva and Devas'reshthha and others will be his sons. (28) Ritadhâmâ will be the Indra for that period, the demigods will be headed by the Haritas and Tapomûrti, Tapasvî, Âgnîdhraka and others will be the sages. (29) The mighty Svadhâmâ, a partial incarnation of the Lord who Satyasahâ will beget by Sunritâ, will rule that period of Manu.

    (30) The self-realized soul Deva-sâvarni will be the thirteenth Manu and Citrasena, Vicitra and others will be his sons. (31) The Sukarmâs and Sutrâmas will become the demigods, Divaspati will be the Indra and Nirmoka and Tattvadars'a and others will be the sages then. (32) Yoges'vara, a partial incarnation of the Lord, will appear from the womb of Brihatî as the son of Devahotra and will endeavor for the sake of Divaspati [the Indra].

    (33) Indra-savârni will be the fourteenth Manu and from his semen Uru, Gambhîra, Budha and others will be born. (34) The Pavitras and Câkshushas will be the demigods, S'uci will be the king of heaven and Agni, Bâhu, S'uci, S'uddha, Mâgadha and others will be the ascetics. (35) For that period, oh great king, the Lord will appear in the womb of Vitânâ as Brihadbhânu, the son of Satrâyana, in order to promote all spiritual activities.

    (36) Oh King, the estimated time of the past, the present and the future of these fourteen Manus I have described to you, covers a thousand mahâyugas or one kalpa [one day of Brahmâ, see also picture].'