Chapter 2: The Dynasties of Six of the Sons of Manu
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-02-01, 11:39 PM
    Chapter 2: The Dynasties of Six of the Sons of Manu

    (1) S'rî S'uka said: 'After Sudyumna, thus had disappeared, Vaivasvata Manu, his father desiring a(nother) son, executed austerities at the Yamunâ for a hundred years. (2) After for the purpose of offspring having worshiped the Godhead, Lord Hari, Manu begot ten sons who were like him and of whom the eldest was named Ikshvâku [see also 8.13: 2-3]. (3) Prishadhra was among the sons of Manu by his guru ordered to herd cows. For that purpose he had taken the vow of vîrâsana ['to stand prepared with a sword'] to protect them at night [see also 4.6: 38]. (4) One night when it was raining, a tiger entered the land of the cowshed. Out of fear all the cows lying down, got up and spread all around the field. (5-6) When the strong animal seized one of the cows it began to cry out of distress and fear. Prishadhra hearing the screaming took his sword and hastily followed the sound but because the clouds covered the stars that night, he mistook the cow for the tiger and by mistake cut off its head. (7) The tiger also being hit by the sword had its ear cut off and most afraid fled leaving a blood trail. (8) Prishadhra thinking that he had killed the tiger, to his dismay discovered the next morning that he being a hero, with his sword had killed the cow. (9) The family preceptor [Vasishthha] cursed him for the unintended sinful deed saying: 'Having acted like a s'ûdra, you cannot belong to the kshatriyas. Because of that unholy deed it is your karma to become a s'ûdra.' (10) The hero thus being cursed by his guru accepted the words with folded hands and took the vow of celibacy as wanted by the sages. (11-13) Exclusively devoted to Vâsudeva, the Supreme Lord and Soul of all, the Transcendence and Purity in person, he was equal and kindhearted towards all living beings. Freed from attachments, peaceful within and self-controlled, he was, free from possessions, of a vision in which he could accept whatever that was available for his physical needs, the way it for the benefit of the soul was arranged by His grace. Always with his mind focussed on the Supreme Self within and thus fully absorbed being satisfied in spiritual realization, he traveled all over the earth appearing to others as if he were deaf, dumb and blind. (14) After thus being engaged he entered the forest and as a saint achieved the ultimate transcendental goal the moment he out there ran into a forest fire which he allowed to consume himself [see also B.G. 4: 9].

    (15) Another son, Kavi [or Vasumân], the youngest one, had no attachments to material pleasures. After giving up his father's kingdom along with his friends, he, still a young man, entered the forest and reached the transcendental world by always keeping the effulgent Supreme Person in his heart.

    (16) From the son of Manu Karûsha [or Tarûsha] there was a dynasty of kshatriyas called the Kârûshas who as kings of the northern realm were highly religious protectors of the brahminical culture.

    (17) From Dhrishtha [or Shrishtha] a caste of kshatriyas originated who in the world having achieved the position of brahmins, were named the Dhârshthas. From Nriga there was the succession of first Sumati, Bhûtajyoti and thereafter Vasu. (18) From Vasu's son Pratîka there was one named Oghavân ['the uninterrupted tradition'] who fathered another son named Oghavân who had a daughter who also carried that name: Oghavatî. She married with Sudars'ana.

    (19) From Narishyanta there was Citrasena, Riksha was his son and he begot Mîdhvân. Mîdhvân's son was Pûrna and Indrasena was Pûrna's son. (20) Because of Indrasena there was Vîtihotra, from him there was Satyas'ravâ, Urus'ravâ was his son and Devadatta was his son. (21) Devadatta's son became the most powerful Agnives'ya who was Agni in person. He was a mahârishi, a great saint, also known as Kânîna and Jâtûkarnya. (22) From Agnives'ya a dynasty of brahmins came forth known as the Âgnives'yâyanas. Oh King, I have thus described the descendants of Narishyanta, let me now tell you about Dishtha's dynasty.

    (23-24) Dishtha's son was Nâbhâga [not to confuse with his uncles Nabhaga or the Nâbhâga who was also called Nriga]. He in contrast answered to the vocation of the vais'yas [a merchant, see 7.11: 23]. His son was Bhalandana and from him there was Vatsaprîti. His son was named Prâms'u and Pramati was his son. Khanitra is known as Pramati's successor. He on his turn was succeeded by Câkshusha and his son was Vivims'ati. (25) Vivims'ati's son was Rambha and his son Khanînetra was most religious. From him there was the scion Karandhama oh great King. (26) Avîkshit was his son and his son Marutta became emperor. The great mystic Samvarta, the son of Angirâ, engaged him in performing a yajña. (27) The like of Marutta's sacrifice has never been observed since, because all that he used was made of gold and everything that he had was of the greatest beauty. (28) Indra was delighted to drink the soma-rasa, the brahmins were generously compensated, the demigods [the Maruts] offered foodstuffs and all the gods of the universe were part of the assembly. (29) Dama was Marutta's son and from him there was a son with the power to expand the kingdom: Râjyavardhana. From his son Sudhriti a son was born named Nara. (30) Nara's son was called Kevala and he fathered Dhundhumân. Vegavân was there because of him and Vegavân's son Budha had Trinabindu for his son who was a great king. (31) Alambushâ accepted him as her husband. She was an adorable goddess, a girl from heaven and a reservoir of all good qualities who gave birth to a couple of sons and a daughter named Ilavilâ. (32) Vis'ravâ, was a saint and master of yoga. He received transcendental knowledge from his father and begot Kuvera in Ilavilâ: he who brings wealth. (33) Vis'âla, S'ûnyabandhu en Dhûmraketu were the sons of Trinabindu. Vis'âla built a city named Vais'âlî and founded  a dynasty.  (34) Hemacandra was his son who fathered one called Dhûmrâksha. From his son Samyama there were [two sons called] Kris'âs'va and Devaja. (35-36) From Kris'âs'va there was a son named Somadatta. By worshiping the best one of all, the Lord of all Praises, the Original Person [Vishnu] in an as'vamedha sacrifice, he achieved the supreme destination where all the masters of yoga have their refuge. A son of Somadatta named Sumati thereupon begot a son called Janamejaya. All these kings of Vais'âlî sustained the reputation of King Trinabindu.'