Chapter 58: Krishna also Weds Kâlindî, Mitravindâ, Satyâ, Lakshmanâ and Bhadrâ
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-01-18, 6:24 AM

    Chapter 58: Krishna also Weds Kâlindî, Mitravindâ, Satyâ, Lakshmanâ and Bhadrâ [*]

    (1) S' S'uka said: 'Once, to see the sons of Pându, went the Supreme Personality Visible to the Eye, the Possessor of all Opulence, to Indraprastha accompanied by Yuyudhâna [Sâtyaki, His charioteer] and others. (2) Seeing Him, Mukunda, the Controller of All having arrived, stood the heroes all up at once, as if the chief of their senses, their life-air, had returned. (3) The heroes embracing Acyuta by the contact with His body found all their sins destroyed and experienced the joy of beholding His face smiling affectionately. (4) After offering His obeisances at the feet of Yudhishthhira and Bhîma [since they were older] and firmly embracing Phâlguna [or Arjuna, being only eight days older] He next greeted respectfully the twin brothers [Nakula and Sahadeva, who were younger]. (5) Sitting on an elevated seat was Krishna, slowly approached by the newly [to the Pândavas] wed, impeccable [Draupadî] to offer her obeisances. (6) Similarly was Sâtyaki welcomed, honored and seated by the sons of Prithâ and were also the others honored and seated around. (7) Going to Kuntî offering His obeisances was He embraced by her with her eyes wet of her extreme affection [see also 1.8: 18-43]; inquiring after the welfare of her and her daughter-in-law [Draupadî], inquired she on her turn as the sister of His father [Vasudeva] in detail about His relatives. (8) With tears in her eyes and with a throat choked up in her love for Him who shows Himself to dispel the distress, said she, remembering the many trials and tribulations: (9) 'Only then were we faring better when by You as a protector remembering us, Your relatives, o Krishna, my brother [Akrûra] was sent [see 10.49]. (10) For You, the Well-wisher and Soul of the Universe, there is never the delusion of 'ours' and 'theirs'; nonetheless do You, situated in the heart put an end to the sufferings of those who remember [You] continuously [see also B.G. 9: 29].'

    (11) Yudhishthhira said: 'I don't know what good deeds we, of doubtful intellect, all have performed to [be allowed to] see You, o Supreme Controller whom the Controllers of Yoga rarely [get to] see.'

    (12) Thus by the king invited stayed He, the Almighty, happily during the months of the rainy season [see also: 10.20] for the eyes of the residents of Indraprastha generating bliss. (13-14) Some day [**] in armor mounting his chariot with the monkey [or Hanumân] flag and taking up his Gândîva [his bow] and two inexhaustible quivers of arrows, entered Arjuna, the slayer of enemy heroes, in order to sport together with Krishna a large forest filled with many beasts of prey [see also B.G. chapter 1]. (15) There he shot with his arrows tigers, boars, wild buffalo, rurus [sort of antelopes], s'arabhas [sort of deer], gavayas [sort of oxen], rhinoceroses, black deer, rabbits and porcupines [see also 4.28: 26 and 5.26: 13]. (16) Servants to the king carried them to be sacrificed at a special occasion [otherwise the hunt would have been forbidden, see 9.6: 7-8] and overcome by thirst went Bibhatsa ['the frightening one', Arjuna] fatigued to the Yamunâ. (17) When the two great chariotfighters took a bath there and drank from the clear water, saw the two Krishnas [see B.G. 10: 37] a maiden walking charming to behold. (18) Sent by his Friend, approached Phâlguna the exquisite woman who had fine hips and teeth and an attractive face, and inquired: (19) 'Who are you, to whom do you belong, o slender-waisted girl, from where are you or what are your plans; I think you're looking for a husband, tell me all about it, o beauty!'
    (20) S'rî Kâlindî said: 'I am the daughter of the demigod Savitâ [the sungod], engaged in severe austerities in my desire for Vishnu, the most excellent granter of boons, as my husband [see also Gâyatrî]. (21) I want no other husband but Him, o hero, may the Abode of S'rî [the goddess], He the Supreme Lord Mukunda, the shelter of the helpless, be satisfied with me. (22) Until I meet Acyuta, am I living in a mansion built by my father in the Yamunâ-waters and am I thus named Kâlindî [see also bhajan verse 2 and 10.15: 47-52].' (23) So Gudâkes'a put this before Vâsudeva who fully aware of it all lifted her up in His chariot and drove off to king Dharma [Yudhishthhira].

    (24) For the sons of Prithâ had Krishna [in the past], the moment He was asked, by Vis'vakarmâ constructed a most amazing colorful city [Indraprastha]. (25) The Supreme Lord residing there for the pleasure of His devotees desired to give to Agni the Khândava ['sugar-candy'] forest [at Kurukshetra] and became he for that purpose [burning down the forest] Arjuna's charioteer. (26) Pleased with that gave Agni to Arjuna a bow and a chariot with white horses, o King, two inexhaustible quivers of arrows and an armor impenetrable to whatever armed opposition. (27) Maya [the demon] delivered from the fire presented [in gratitude] an assembly hall to his friend [Arjuna] in which Duryodhana took the water he saw therein for a solid floor [so that he fell in, see 10.75]. (28) He [Krishna] by him [Arjuna] and His well-wishers permitted to leave went back to Dvârakâ accompanied by Sâtyaki and the rest of His entourage [see also 1: 10]. (29) But now married He, supremely auspicious, Kâlindî at a day the seasons, the stars and the other luminaries were most favorable for spreading the greatest happiness among His people.

    (30) Vindya and Anuvindya, two kings from Avantî [Ujjain] subservient to Duryodhana, obstructed their sister [Mitravindâ] who was attracted to Krishna, in her svayamvara [choice for a husband]. (31) Mitravindâ, the daughter of Râjâdhidevî, His father's sister [9.24: 28-31], was with force, as the kings were watching, taken away by Krishna, o King [compare 10.53].

    (32) Of the most religious ruler of Kaus'alya [Ayodhyâ, see 9.10: 32] named Nagnajit there was a divine daughter Satyâ who was also called Nâgnajitî, o King. (33) None of the kings could marry her without defeating seven uncontrollable bulls with the sharpest horns who vicious as they were had no tolerance for the smell of warriors. (34) Hearing of her being attainable for the one who had defeated the bulls, went the Supreme Lord, the Master of the Sâtvatas, to the Kaus'alya capital surrounded by a large army. (35) The lord of Kos'ala standing up [upon His arrival], and worshipful seating Him with substantial offerings and so on, was in return also greeted. (36) The daughter of the king seeing that the suitor of her desire had arrived prayed: 'May, provided that I keep to the vows, the fire [of sacrifice] make my hopes come true; let Him, the Husband of Ramâ become my husband! (37) He of whose lotuslike feet the one from the lotus [Brahmâ] and the master of the mountain [S'iva] together with the various rulers of the world hold the dust on their heads, He who for His pastime with the desire to protect the codes of religion that He Himself instigated each time [that He's around] assumes a body, with what can He, that Supreme Lord, by me be pleased?'

    (38) He [Nagnajit] said to the One worshiped further the following: 'O Nârâyana, o Lord of the Universe, what may I who am so insignificant do for You Filled with the Happiness of the Soul?'

    (39) S'rî S'uka said: 'O child of the Kurus, the Supreme Lord pleased to accept a seat, with a smile spoke to him with a voice deep as a [rumbling] cloud. (40) The Supreme Lord said: 'O ruler of man, for a member of the royal order following his own dharma is to beg for something condemned by the learned; nevertheless do I beg for your friendship with an eye at your daughter for whom We, though, offer nothing in return.'

    (41) The King said: 'Who else but You, o Superior Lordship, would in this world be a groom desirable for my daughter; You, on whose body the Goddess resides and never leaves, are the only One harboring the qualities! (42) But, by us has before a condition been set, o best of the Sâtvatas, for the purpose of testing the prowess of the suitors of my daughter who is looking for a husband. (43) These seven wild bulls, o hero, are untamable; a great number of princes have broken their limbs being defeated by them. (44) If they are subdued by You o descendant of Yadu, have You my approval as the groom for my daughter, o Husband of S'rî.' (45) Thus hearing of the condition set, tightened the Master His clothes and did He, turning Himself into seven, subdue them as if it concerned a simple game. (46) Tying them up with ropes dragged S'auri them broken in their pride and strength behind Him like He was a boy playing with a wooden toy. (47) The astonished king pleased then gave Krishna his suitable daughter who by the Supreme Lord, the Master, was accepted according the vedic injunctions. (48) The queens, with attaining Krishna as the dear husband of the princess, felt the highest ecstasy upon which great jubilation took hold of them. (49) Conchshells, horns and drums resounded together with songs and instrumental music; the twice-born pronounced blessings and joyful men and women finely dressed adorned themselves with garlands. (50-51) As a wedding gift gave the mighty king ten thousand cows, three thousand excellently dressed maidens with golden ornaments around their necks, nine thousand elephants, a hundred times as many chariots with a hundred times as many horses and to that a hundred times as many men as there were horses. (52) He, the king of Kos'ala, with his heart melting of affection had the couple seated on their chariot and then sent them off surrounded by a large army. (53) Hearing of this blocked the [rival] kings, in their strength just as broken by the Yadus as the bulls were before, incapable of accepting the frustration the road along which He was taking His bride. (54) They, releasing volleys of arrows, were by Arjuna, the wielder of Gândîva who acted like a lion in his desire to please his Friend, driven back like they were vermin. (55) The son of Devakî, the Supreme Lord and Chief of the Yadus, taking the dowry with Him then arrived in Dvârakâ where He lived happily with Satyâ.

    (56) Bhadrâ a princess of Kaikeya and daughter of S'rutakîrti, His father's sister, was by her brothers headed by Santardana [see 9.24: 38] given in marriage to Krishna.

    (57) The Lord also married Lakshmanâ, the daughter of the King of Madra who was endowed with all good qualities; she was by Krishna at her svayamvara ceremony by Him single-handedly taken away, just like Garuda once stole the nectar away from the demigods [see also 10.83: 17-39].  

    (58) After killing Bhaumâsura [***] became thousands of other just as beautiful women who by him were taken captive, Krishna's wives.'