25: The
Glories of Lord Ananta
(1) S'rî S'uka said: 'At a distance of
thirty-eight thousand yojanas beneath the base of
Pâtâla [*]
He is situated who, as a part of the Supreme Lord, relates to the
darkness and is called Ananta [the eternal one]. Scholarly Vaishnavas describe Him as Sankarshana, the ruler of the ego or I that
is characterized by self-awareness [pride, identification], because He unites - 'draws together' - the
seer and the seen, the subject
and the object [see also 3.26: 25 and 4.24: 35]. (2) The
celestial sky around the earth,
this universe, sustained on only one of the thousands of hoods of the
Supreme Lord in the form of Anantadeva, is seen as a [tiny] white
mustard seed [like a single galaxy among many, many others in deep
space]. (3) Because of
His desire to destroy in the course of time this world, a Rudra [an
incarnation of Lord S'iva] named Sânkarshana ['He born from
Sankarshana'] arises from
beautiful eyebrows, who manifests in the form of
eleven three-eyed expansions holding up pointed tridents. (4) With
the effulgence of the glittering earrings that
their cheeks, the
leaders of the snakelike ones, who together with the best
devotees in unalloyed devotion offer Him their prayers, see in
the round surfaces of the brilliant pink gemlike toenails of His lotus
feet their faces beautifully
reflected. It is
a sight which enraptures their minds. (5) The
marriageable princesses of the serpent kings hoping for His blessings,
smear with an ointment of saffron, aloe and sandalwood paste the
gleaming roundings of His auspicious, beautiful, spotless, fair arms
resembling columns of silver. With their hearts in the contact beating
faster with the ecstasy of Cupid they with attractive delicate,
beautiful smiles bashfully look at His
reddish eyes
and kindly
lotuslike face. (6) He, Ananta, is the Supreme
Lord, the reservoir of all transcendental qualities and the original
Godhead who in restraint of the force of His intolerance and wrath
[belonging to his mission of destruction] resides [in His abode] for
the welfare of all [the living beings of] all worlds. (7) Being constantly meditated
upon by scores of enlightened and unenlightened souls, the semi-divine
snakelike ones, the ones of perfection, the heavenly singers, the ones
founded in knowledge and the wise, He in rapture under the influence
rolls His eyes to and fro. With the nectar of a fine choice of words
and sweet song His associates, the leaders of the different groups of
demigods, please Him whose luster never fades, He who is ever fresh
with the fragrance of the tulsî flowers that with their honey
madden the bees about His thus even more beautiful Vaijayantî
flower garland. Clad in blue with only a single earring and the beauty
of His auspicious hands placed on the handle of His plow He, wearing a
golden belt and as invincible as the elephant of the first one among
the gods Indra, is engaged in His
transcendental pastimes as the Supreme Lord in person. (8) They
who seek
liberation and through the tradition [the paramparâ] hear about
the glories of this one Lord, will very soon cut with the age-old knot
of mâyâ consisting
of passion, goodness and ignorance which as a consequence of the
propensity for karmic actions was tied firmly in the core of their
The greatly powerful son of
Brahmâ, Nârada accompanied by [his
instrument or the Gandharva] Tumburu, describes Him in the brahmin
assembly with a selection of verses: (9) 'How
can one with certainty
understand the path of Him who is one of Soul and diverse in His
manifestation, of Him of a
unlimited form that has no beginning, of
Him by whose glance the modes
of material nature - headed by goodness - were enabled to function as
the primary causes of creation, maintenance and destruction? (10) Out
of His mercy for us He,
completely transcendental to this manifestation, exhibited His
in different forms, He who, reclaiming the minds of His devotees, in
His pastimes shines as the most liberal and powerful master of all
beings of acceptance without material impurities. (11) Any person in distress who accidentally heard
Him or any fallen soul who just to participate repeated or chanted
His name, will instantly
see the endless sinfulness of human association vanquished. Of
whom else but Lord Ananta S'esha should any seeker of salvation take
shelter? (12) Whoever,
For His groundless powers are immeasurable. This
with its mountains, trees, oceans and beings is nothing but an
atom fixed on one hood of Ananta, He who has thousands of hoods. (13) Such
is the majesty of the Supreme Lord Ananta: relying on His own power He
at the basis of the entire universe constitutes the
greatness of all qualities and glory who, with the earth engaged in
pastimes for the sake of her maintenance, keeps her from the fall.'
(14) The way it has been instructed to me I have thus described the truth of the destinations which - depending the karma - can be reached by and were created in respect of the wishes of those who desire material pleasures. (15) As you requested o King, I have shown you what the different types of higher and lower destinations are that inevitably result from the inclinations and sense of duty of the people. What should I tell you more?'
(14) The way it has been instructed to me I have thus described the truth of the destinations which - depending the karma - can be reached by and were created in respect of the wishes of those who desire material pleasures. (15) As you requested o King, I have shown you what the different types of higher and lower destinations are that inevitably result from the inclinations and sense of duty of the people. What should I tell you more?'