Chapter 22: The Descendants of Ajamîdha: the Pândavas and Kauravas
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-01-18, 6:11 AM
    Chapter 22: The Descendants of Ajamîdha: the Pândavas and Kauravas

    (1) S'rî S'uka said: 'Mitrâyu was  born from Divodâsa and his sons oh protector of man, were Cyavana, Sudâsa, Sahadeva and Somaka. Somaka next was the father of Jantu. (2) From him there were a hundred sons and Prishata was the youngest of them. Prishata begot Drupada who was opulent in every way.  (3) Draupadî [the wife of the Pândavas] was fathered by Drupada. His sons were headed by Dhrishthadyumna who begot Dhrishthaketu. All these descendants of Bharmyâs'va [9.21: 31-33] are known as the Pâñcâlas.

    (4-5) Riksha was another son begotten by Ajamîdha. He fathered Samvarana who with his wife Tapatî, the daughter of the sun god, gave birth to Kuru  [see family-tree], the king of Kurukshetra. Parîkshi, Sudhanu, Jahnu and Nishadha were the sons of Kuru. Sudhanu fathered Suhotra and he begot [another] Cyavana. Kriti was born from his loins. (6) Uparicara Vasu was born because of Kritî. His sons who were headed by Brihadratha were Kus'âmba, Matsya, Pratyagra, Cedipa and others. They all ruled the state of Cedi. (7) Brihadratha gave life to Kus'âgra who begot Rishabha. He on his turn fathered Satyahita who had a son called Pushpavân whose son was Jahu. (8) Brihadratha begot with a second wife he had a son in two halves who, because the mother rejected them, by Jarâ [the daughter of Time, see also 4.27: 19] playfully were united while she said: 'Come alive, come alive'. Thus a son called Jarâsandha ['Jarâ's hermaphrodite'] was born [who later became a vital enemy of Lord Krishna]. (9) He [Jarâsandha] gave life to Sahadeva whose son Somâpi fathered S'rutas'ravâ. Parîkshi [another son of Kuru] had no children while Jahnu begot a son named Suratha. (10) From him there was Vidûratha who brought Sârvabauma into the world. He had Jayasena and his son Râdhika gave life to Ayutâyu. (11) Ayutâyu became the father of Akrodhana who had a son named Devâtithi. He brought Riksha into the world who had a son called Dilîpa and because of him the son Pratîpa appeared. (12-13) From him the sons Devâpi, S'ântanu and Bâhlîka appeared. It was Devâpi the eldest one, who rejected his father's realm and left for the forest so that S'ântanu became the king. He in a previous life had been the celebrated Mahâbhisha. Whomever was touched by him with his hands attained youth, however old that person would be. (14-15) Because one primarily by the touch of his hands was purified, he was known as S'ântanu. When Indra, the king of heaven, for twelve years had not showered any rain in his kingdom, his brahmins told him: 'You are at fault for preceding your older brother [Devâpi] in enjoying the kingdom [and are thus a so-called parivettâ]. For the full development of your homestead and kingdom, immediately return the realm to him.'

    (16-17) Thus being advised by the brahmins he asked Devâpi to take charge of the kingdom, but from what he replied became clear that he had given up on the Vedas. That had happened because the brahmins in the past, on the instigation of  S'ântanu's minister, had prompted him with words that went against the Vedic instructions. When that was said [and S'ântanu finally accepted the realm] the demigod showered the rains. Devâpi thereupon sought his refuge in the village of Kalâpa where he took up the practice of yoga [in which he is still engaged today]. (18-19) After the Soma dynasty in Kali Yuga has disappeared, it will [by him] at the beginning of the next one, Satya Yuga, be reestablished. Bâhlîka [S'ântanu's brother] begot Somadatta and from him there were Bhûri, Bhûris'ravâ and S'ala. S'ântanu begot in his wife Gangâ the self-realized great devotee and scholar Bhîshma [see also 1.9], who is the best defender of the dharma. (20) By him, the foremost of all warriors, even Paras'urâma - to his own satisfaction - was defeated in a fight [*]. From the womb of [Satyavatî] the daughter of Dâsa [a fisherman **] S'ântanu brought about the son Citrângada. (21-24) Citrângada was killed by a Gandharva carrying the same name. Vicitravîrya was a younger brother of Citrângada. The sage Parâs'ara gave with his mother [Satyavatî, previous to her marriage to S'ântanu] life to a direct expansion of the Lord, a great muni who protected the Vedas: Krishna Dvaipâyana Vyâsadeva [also called Bâdarâyana], from whom I [S'ukadeva] was born. With him I studied this [Bhâgavatam] thoroughly. He, the [partial] incarnation of the Lord, rejected his pupils Paila and others. But me, his son who was far removed from sense gratification, he taught this supreme literature of confidential knowledge. Vicitravîrya later on married the two daughters of Kâs'îrâja called Ambikâ and Ambâlikâ who by force were brought from the arena of selection. But because he was too attached in his heart to the both of them he died of an infection with tuberculosis. (25) With no offspring from the half-brother, Vyâsadeva was instructed by [in devarena sutotpatti, see footnote 9.6] his mother [Satyavatî] to father sons: Dhritarâshthra, Pându [with respectively Ambikâ and Ambâlikâ] and also a son named Vidura [whom he begot with Vicitravîrya's maidservant, see also 1: 13]. (26) From Gândhârî the wife of Dhritarâshthra a hundred sons were born oh protector of man. Duryodhana was the eldest. There was also a daughter called Duhs'alâ.

    (27-28) Pându had to restrain his sexual life because of a curse, and therefore the great [Pândava] heroes, the three sons [Bhîma, Arjuna] headed by Yudhishthhira were begotten with [his wife] Kuntî by Dharma [the god of piety], Anila [the god of the wind] and Indra [not mentioning Karna who was brought forth by the sun god]. Nakula and Sahadeva were begotten by the two As'vins [Nâsatya and Dasra] in the womb of Mâdrî. From these five brothers [with Draupadî] five sons were born: your uncles. (29) Yudhishthhira had the son Prativindhya, Bhîma had S'rutasena, from Arjuna came S'rutakîrti and from Nakula S'atânîka appeared. (30-31) Sahadeva oh King, had S'rutakarmâ. Yudhishthhira furthermore had the son Devaka with Pauravî and Bhîma had Ghathotkaca with Hidimbâ and Sarvagata with Kâlî. Sahadeva fathered the son Suhotra with Vijayâ, the daughter of the Himalayan king [Pârvatî]. (32) Nakula had with Karenumatî a son named Naramitra and Arjuna begot the son Irâvân together with Ulupî [a Nâga daughter] and the son Babhruvâhana with the princess of Manipura. Even though he was Arjuna's son Abhruvâhana was adopted by the father-in-law [because of a condition he set for the marriage].

    (33) Your father Abhimanyu was born from Subhadrâ [Krishna's sister wed to Arjuna]. He was a great hero who defeated all Atirathas ['those who can oppose a thousand charioteers']. You have taken birth from Uttarâ because of him. (34) With the annihilation of the Kuru dynasty As'vatthâmâ also tried to put you to death with the heat of the brahmâstra weapon, but by the mercy of Lord Krishna you were saved from ending that way [see 1.8]. (35) Your sons my best one, with Janamejaya first and then S'rutasena, Bhîmasena and Ugrasena, are all greatly powerful. (36) When Janamejaya learns that you have died because of Takshaka, he in great anger will offer all snakes during a fire sacrifice. (37) After having conquered each and every part of the world he will appoint Tura, the son of Kalasha, for his priest and be of sacrifice in as'vamedha offerings for which he will be celebrated as Turuga-medhashâth ['performer of many horse-sacrifices']. (38) S'atânîka, his son, will under Yâjñavalkya thoroughly study the three Vedas as also the way to put the spiritual knowledge into practice [with ceremonies]. He will realize the military art [from Kripâcârya] and with S'aunaka he will arrive at the realization of the transcendental truth. (39) His son Sahasrânîka will have one carrying the name As'vamedhaja who will beget Asîmakrishna who will have a son called Nemicakra. (40) With Hastinâpura flooded by the river [the Ganges], he [Nemicakra] from sheer necessity will live at Kaus'âmbî, whereafter from his son called Citraratha there will be the son S'uciratha. (41) From him there will also be a son, Vrishthimân, because of whom next Sushena will take his birth, an emperor. His son Sunîtha will have one called Nricakshu and he will father Sukhînala. (42) Pariplava will be his son and from Sunaya succeeding him Medhâvî will appear. Nripañjaya will be his son and he will beget Dûrva from whose loins Timi will take birth. (43) From Timi the son Brihadratha will appear from whose son Sudâsa the son S'atânîka will be given life. S'atânîka will have a son called Durdamana and his son will be Mahînara. (44-45) Dandapâni fathered by him, will give life to Nimi because of whom Kshemaka will take birth. With Kshemaka closing the row as the monarch this dynasty will end, this source of brahmins and kshatriyas that is respected by the seers and the godly ones in Kali Yuga. In the future there will be next the kings of Mâgadha. Let me tell you about them.

    (46-48) Sahadeva [the son of Jarâsandha] will beget the son Mârjâri. S'rutas'ravâ will be his son, Yutâyu will be his successor and his son Niramitra will father Sunakshatra. Sunakshatra will be the father of Brihatsena and his son Karmajit will have the son Sutañjaya from whose loins Vipra will be born who will give life to a son called S'uci. Kshema who is born thereafter will have the son Suvrata from whom Dharmasûtra will appear. His son Sama will beget Dyumatsena who is succeeded by Sumati from whose loins Subala will take birth. (49) From Sunîtha [Subala's son] Satyajit will be brought into the world and from his son Vis'vajit there will be a son called Ripuñjaya. The line of Brihadratha in which all these kings are born will last a thousand years.'

    (Picture: family tree from Kuru up to the Pândavas)