13: King
Indra Afflicted by
Sinful Reaction
said: 'With Vritra killed the
leaders and everyone else in the three worlds oh charitable one, were immediately freed
from their worries and depressions, except for the mighty Indra [S'akra] himself. (2)
taking leave from Indra thereupon the demigods following Indra,
Brahmâ, S'iva
and the other God-conscious people, the saints, the forefathers, the
rest of the living
beings and the demons, all returned
(3) The king asked: 'Oh my Lord, oh sage, I'd like to know why Indra was not respected by the others. Why was he so gloomy while all his demigods were so very happy?'
(4) S'rî S'uka said: 'All the godly ones and the sages were terrified by Vritrâsura's display of power, but Indra had declined their request to put an end to him because he was afraid to kill a brahmin. (5) Indra had said: 'The burden of the sin of killing Vis'varûpa was as a favor to me carried by the women, the earth, the trees and the water [see 6.9: 6-10], but how will I be purified from killing Vritra?'
(6) S'uka continued: 'When the sages heard that, they said the following to the great Indra: 'We wish you all good fortune, don't be afraid, we will perform an as'vamedha, a horse sacrifice for you. (7) The as'vamedha sacrifice of worshiping the Original Person, the Supersoul, the Controller who is Nârâyana our Lord, liberates one even from the sin of destroying the world! (8-9) Someone who killed a brahmin, his father, a cow, his mother or his spiritual master, such a sinner and even an outcast dog-eater may find purification by singing His holy name. If an as'vamedha sacrifice, the topmost of all sacrifices, by us conducted with faith keeps you from being contaminated by the killing of all creatures of Brahmâ including the brahmins, what then do you expect from killing a harassing demon?'
(10) S'rî S'uka said: 'Indra thus being encouraged by the learned killed his enemy Vritrâsura when he approached him. He, Vrishâkapi, the mythical king of the gods, was then tormented by the reaction following that act of killing a brahmin. (11) Even though he had done others a favor with his deed, Indra because of that reaction suffered [the deepest] misery in which he found no happiness. Missing his qualities he felt but shame and guilt. (12-13) It persecuted him in the form of an old, outcast woman trembling all over her body whose clothes were covered by blood because she suffered from consumption. She with her disheveled, gray hair yelled at him 'Wait, wait', and spread thereby with her breath a bad fishy smell that polluted the entire road. (14) The thousand eyed Indra, sought his refuge in heaven and in all directions of the sky after which he hurried in the northeastern direction to enter there oh King, the Mânasa-sarovara lake. (15) Hidden from view he, bereft of all the sustenance [normally supplied] by the servant of the sacrificial fire, lived there for a thousand years in the subtle network of the fibers of a lotus stem. And all that time he in his heart pondered over the question how he could find liberation from [the sin of] having killed a brahmin. (16) For the time of his absence the heavens were ruled by Nahusha who, equipped with education, austerity, yoga and strength, turned mad because his intelligence got bewildered by the power and excessive opulence. Chasing Indra's wife [S'acîdevî] he fell victim to the fate of a snake [after being cursed by sage Agastya for having kicked him]. (17) He whose offense through the divinity of Rudra was nullified because he meditated on the Maintainer of Truth [Vishnu], was after having recovered from [the karmic rebound] invited back through the brahmins. Now that he enjoyed the protection of the wife of Vishnu, the goddess of fortune, the sin had lost its grip on him. (18) In order to please the Supreme Lord Hari, the brahminical sages [upon his return], then properly, according to the rules, stepped forward to consecrate him for the sake of an as'vamedha sacrifice oh son of Bharata. (19-20) Only when that as'vamedha sacrifice was performed by the expert brahmins and the great Indra thus was of worship for the Original Person, the Supersoul and Maintainer of all divinity, the matter could be considered done. Only then, despite of the seriousness of having killed the son of Tvashthâ, definitively that sin could [formally] be considered as being reduced to nothing, like fog before the sun oh King. (21) After the as'vamedha sacrifice as prescribed was performed by the priests headed by Marîci and Indra had worshiped the Lord of Sacrifice, the Supreme Personality, he, being purified from sin, retrieved his greatness.
(22-23) This great history describing the glorification of the Lord of the Holy Places, the growth in devotion and the victory and liberation of Indra the King of Heaven, frees one from innumerable sins. This narration should therefore always be read and continuously be heard by those who cherish the intelligence and be reiterated on the occasion of great festivals. It sharpens one's senses, brings wealth and fame and releases from all misconduct; it brings victory over one's enemies and good fortune and longevity to all.'
(3) The king asked: 'Oh my Lord, oh sage, I'd like to know why Indra was not respected by the others. Why was he so gloomy while all his demigods were so very happy?'
(4) S'rî S'uka said: 'All the godly ones and the sages were terrified by Vritrâsura's display of power, but Indra had declined their request to put an end to him because he was afraid to kill a brahmin. (5) Indra had said: 'The burden of the sin of killing Vis'varûpa was as a favor to me carried by the women, the earth, the trees and the water [see 6.9: 6-10], but how will I be purified from killing Vritra?'
(6) S'uka continued: 'When the sages heard that, they said the following to the great Indra: 'We wish you all good fortune, don't be afraid, we will perform an as'vamedha, a horse sacrifice for you. (7) The as'vamedha sacrifice of worshiping the Original Person, the Supersoul, the Controller who is Nârâyana our Lord, liberates one even from the sin of destroying the world! (8-9) Someone who killed a brahmin, his father, a cow, his mother or his spiritual master, such a sinner and even an outcast dog-eater may find purification by singing His holy name. If an as'vamedha sacrifice, the topmost of all sacrifices, by us conducted with faith keeps you from being contaminated by the killing of all creatures of Brahmâ including the brahmins, what then do you expect from killing a harassing demon?'
(10) S'rî S'uka said: 'Indra thus being encouraged by the learned killed his enemy Vritrâsura when he approached him. He, Vrishâkapi, the mythical king of the gods, was then tormented by the reaction following that act of killing a brahmin. (11) Even though he had done others a favor with his deed, Indra because of that reaction suffered [the deepest] misery in which he found no happiness. Missing his qualities he felt but shame and guilt. (12-13) It persecuted him in the form of an old, outcast woman trembling all over her body whose clothes were covered by blood because she suffered from consumption. She with her disheveled, gray hair yelled at him 'Wait, wait', and spread thereby with her breath a bad fishy smell that polluted the entire road. (14) The thousand eyed Indra, sought his refuge in heaven and in all directions of the sky after which he hurried in the northeastern direction to enter there oh King, the Mânasa-sarovara lake. (15) Hidden from view he, bereft of all the sustenance [normally supplied] by the servant of the sacrificial fire, lived there for a thousand years in the subtle network of the fibers of a lotus stem. And all that time he in his heart pondered over the question how he could find liberation from [the sin of] having killed a brahmin. (16) For the time of his absence the heavens were ruled by Nahusha who, equipped with education, austerity, yoga and strength, turned mad because his intelligence got bewildered by the power and excessive opulence. Chasing Indra's wife [S'acîdevî] he fell victim to the fate of a snake [after being cursed by sage Agastya for having kicked him]. (17) He whose offense through the divinity of Rudra was nullified because he meditated on the Maintainer of Truth [Vishnu], was after having recovered from [the karmic rebound] invited back through the brahmins. Now that he enjoyed the protection of the wife of Vishnu, the goddess of fortune, the sin had lost its grip on him. (18) In order to please the Supreme Lord Hari, the brahminical sages [upon his return], then properly, according to the rules, stepped forward to consecrate him for the sake of an as'vamedha sacrifice oh son of Bharata. (19-20) Only when that as'vamedha sacrifice was performed by the expert brahmins and the great Indra thus was of worship for the Original Person, the Supersoul and Maintainer of all divinity, the matter could be considered done. Only then, despite of the seriousness of having killed the son of Tvashthâ, definitively that sin could [formally] be considered as being reduced to nothing, like fog before the sun oh King. (21) After the as'vamedha sacrifice as prescribed was performed by the priests headed by Marîci and Indra had worshiped the Lord of Sacrifice, the Supreme Personality, he, being purified from sin, retrieved his greatness.
(22-23) This great history describing the glorification of the Lord of the Holy Places, the growth in devotion and the victory and liberation of Indra the King of Heaven, frees one from innumerable sins. This narration should therefore always be read and continuously be heard by those who cherish the intelligence and be reiterated on the occasion of great festivals. It sharpens one's senses, brings wealth and fame and releases from all misconduct; it brings victory over one's enemies and good fortune and longevity to all.'