(1) S'rî S'uka said: 'From
Kus'a [the son of Lord Râma] there was Atithi, and from him there
was Nishadha. Nishadha's son was Nabha, Pundarîka was fathered by
him and Kshemadhanvâ became his son. (2) Devânîka was the
son of Kshemadhanvâ, his son was Anîha who had a son called
Pâriyâtra. Pâriyâtra's son was Balasthala who
had a son called Vajranâbha. Vajranâbha was
born from the effulgence of the sun god. (3-4) From Sagana [the son of Vajranâbha]
there was
a son called Vidhriti from whose loins the son Hiranyanâbha was
born who became a teacher of yoga in the line of Jaimini.
Yâjñavalkya of Kos'ala as a disciple studied
under his lead the
[âdhyâtma yoga, see 6.15: 12-15]: the most elevated yoga of becoming a seer who can
cut through the material knots in the heart. (5) From Pushpa, the son of
Hiranyanâbha, Dhruvasandhi was born from whom there was
Agnivarna was
born from him, his son was named S'îghra and Maru was his son. (6)
This person still exists in
Kalâpa-grâma ['bundle of communities'] as a perfected soul
of yoga [a siddha]. He
remaining there, at the end of Kali-yuga will beget a [second] son in
order to
revive the lost dynasty of the sun god. (7) The son that he had was Prasus'ruta who
fathered Sandhi from whose loins there was a son called Amarshana. From
Amarshana's son Mahasvân the person of
Vis'vabâhu took birth. (8)
From him there was Prasenajit
from whom next Takshaka would take birth. From Takshaka there was
Brihadbala, who was killed by your father
in a fight.
(9) All these kings of the Ikshvâku dynasty are dead and gone. Now listen to the kings to be born in the future. After Brihadbala there will be a son named Brihadrana. (10) Brihadrana's son will be Ûrukriya, from him Vatsavriddha will take birth, Prativyoma will be his son and he will beget Bhânu, whose son Divâka will be a great military commander. (11) Sahadeva, who will be born from him, will beget a great hero: Brihadas'va who will get the son Bhânumân. The son of Bhânumân will be Pratîkâs'va who will father the son Supratîka. (12) Marudeva will be born thereafter and his son will be called Sunakshatra. Next there will be Pushkara and his son Antariksha will have a son called Sutapâ whose son will be Amitrajit. (13) Brihadrâja will father the son Barhi. Kritañjaya, who will be born from him, will have a son called Ranañjaya and from him Sañjaya will take birth. (14) From him S'âkya will be born whose son will be the memorable S'uddhoda. He will be the father of Lângala from whom Prasenajit will be born who on his turn will father Kshudraka. (15) Ranaka will take birth from him, Suratha will be the next son, and the one of him named Sumitra will end the line of all these kings in the Brihadbala dynasty. (16) With Sumitra as the last king to appear of all these descendants of Ikshvâku in the future, the dynasty will end in Kali-yuga.'
(9) All these kings of the Ikshvâku dynasty are dead and gone. Now listen to the kings to be born in the future. After Brihadbala there will be a son named Brihadrana. (10) Brihadrana's son will be Ûrukriya, from him Vatsavriddha will take birth, Prativyoma will be his son and he will beget Bhânu, whose son Divâka will be a great military commander. (11) Sahadeva, who will be born from him, will beget a great hero: Brihadas'va who will get the son Bhânumân. The son of Bhânumân will be Pratîkâs'va who will father the son Supratîka. (12) Marudeva will be born thereafter and his son will be called Sunakshatra. Next there will be Pushkara and his son Antariksha will have a son called Sutapâ whose son will be Amitrajit. (13) Brihadrâja will father the son Barhi. Kritañjaya, who will be born from him, will have a son called Ranañjaya and from him Sañjaya will take birth. (14) From him S'âkya will be born whose son will be the memorable S'uddhoda. He will be the father of Lângala from whom Prasenajit will be born who on his turn will father Kshudraka. (15) Ranaka will take birth from him, Suratha will be the next son, and the one of him named Sumitra will end the line of all these kings in the Brihadbala dynasty. (16) With Sumitra as the last king to appear of all these descendants of Ikshvâku in the future, the dynasty will end in Kali-yuga.'