(1) S'rî S'uka said: 'Vidarbha [the
son of the Yadu Jyâmagha] begot
in her [the girl brought by his
father, see 9.23:
35-38] the two sons
Kus'a and Kratha and a
third one called Romapâda [also, see 9.23:
7-10] who was the favorite of
the Vidarbha dynasty. (2) Romapâda's son was Babhru, he gave life
to Kriti who begot Us'ika who had the son Cedi [see also 9.22: 6] from whom Damaghosha [the father of
S'is'upâla] and other
protectors of
man were born. (3-4) From Kratha,
there was a son born called Kunti who begot Vrishni from whom next
Nirvriti took his birth. From his loins the one named Das'ârha
was born. He fathered a son called Vyoma who begot Jîmûta.
Jîmûta had the son Vikriti
who had a son called Bhîmaratha and his son Navaratha had
the son Das'aratha. (5) [Das'aratha's son] S'akuni fathered Karambhi who begot a son
called Devarâta. His son was Devakshatra and from him there was
who had the son Kuruvas'a who gave life to Anu. (6-8) From
Puruhotra, the son of Anu, there was Ayu. Ayu fathered the son
and he had seven sons called Bhajamâna, Bhaji, Divya, Vrishni,
Devâvridha, Andhaka and Mahâbhoja, oh worthy friend. From
Bhajamâna there were with
one wife the sons Nimloci, Kinkana and Dhrishthi and with another wife
there were also three sons: S'atâjit,
Sahasrâjit and Ayutâjit oh master. (9)
Devâvridha there
was the son Babhru and about the two of them two verses are recited by
the elder
generation. 'We heard from others and also saw with our own eyes the
following: (10-11) Babhru was the
best among the human beings and Devâvridha equalled the
demigods.' and 'Because of Babhru and Devâvridha all the fourteen thousand
persons [who appeared after them] have achieved immortality.' In
the dynasty of Mahâbhoja who was a most pious soul, there were
rulers called the Bhoja kings.
(12) From Vrishni [the son of Sâtvata] the sons Sumitra and Yudhâjit appeared oh subduer of the enemies. S'ini and Anamitra then took birth [from Yudhâjit] and from Anamitra the son Nighna appeared. (13) Nighna fathered the sons Satrâjit and Prasena. Anamitra had another son who was also called S'ini and Satyaka was his son. (14) Yuyudhâna was fathered by Satyaka. His son was Jaya and from him there was Kuni whose son was Yugandhara. Another son of Anamitra was Vrishni. (15) S'vaphalka and Citraratha were the sons of Vrishni. Akrûra was by S'vaphalka begotten in Gândinî. He was the eldest of twelve other most celebrated sons: (16-18) Âsanga, Sârameya, Mridura, Mriduvit, Giri, Dharmavriddha, Sukarmâ, Kshetropeksha, Arimardana; S'atrughna, Gandhamâda and Pratibâhu. Next to these twelve sons there was also a daughter called Sucârâ. From Akrûra there were two sons named Devavân and Upadeva. Citraratha had many sons beginning with Prithu and Vidûratha, who are known as the sons of Vrishni.
(19) Kukura, Bhajamâna, S'uci and Kambalabarhisha [were the sons of Andhaka, see 6-8]. Kukura had a son called Vahni from whom Vilomâ was born. (20) His son Kapotaromâ had the son Anu who had a friend called Tumburu [a famous Gandharva, a musician]. From Andhaka [Anu's son] there was Dundubhi who gave life to Avidyota who fathered a son called Punarvasu. (21-23) From him there were Âhuka and Âhukî, a son and a daughter. From Âhuka there were the sons Devaka and Ugrasena. Devaka had four sons: Devavân, Upadeva, Sudeva and Devavardhana. There were also seven daughters, o protector of man: S'ântidevâ, Upadevâ, S'rîdevâ, Devarakshitâ, Sahadevâ, Devakî and Dhritadevâ who was the eldest. Vasudeva [Krishna's father] married them. (24) Kamsa, Sunâmâ, Nyagrodha, Kanka, S'anku, Suhû, Râshthrapâla, Dhrishthi and Tushthimân were the sons of Ugrasena. (25) Ugrasena's daughters Kamsâ, Kamsavatî, Kankâ, S'ûrabhû and Râshthrapâlikâ became the wives of the younger brothers of Vasudeva.
(26) Vidûratha [the son of Citraratha] begot S'ûra who had a son called Bhajamâna from whose loins S'ini was born. S'ini fathered the son called Bhoja and his son is also known as Hridika. (27) His sons were called Devamîdha, S'atadhanu and Kritavarmâ. From Devamîdha there was [another son called] S'ûra who had a wife named Mârishâ. (28-31) With her he begot ten perfect sons: Vasudeva, Devabhâga, Devas'ravâ, Ânaka, Sriñjaya, S'yâmaka, Kanka, S'amîka, Vatsaka and Vrika. When Vasudeva took his birth he was welcomed by the godly ones with the sounds of kettledrums. He is also called Ânakadundubhi ['kettle drum beaten'] because he provided the Lord's [Lord Krishna, Vâsudeva] place of birth. S'ûra's daughters Prithâ [the mother of Arjuna who was Krishna's nephew and friend] S'rutadevâ, S'rutakîrti, S'rutas'ravâ and Râjâdhidevî were Vasudeva's five sisters. Father S'ûra gave Prithâ to a childless friend called Kunti. [Therefore she is also known as Kuntî].
(32) She received from Durvâsâ, whom she had pleased, the knowledge to call for any demigod. Just to examine that potency she, the pious one, summoned the sun god. (33) When she saw the godhead appearing before her, she was very surprised and said: 'Forgive me oh godhead, please return, I only engaged this way to check out what it would do!'
(34) [The sun god answered:] 'In order not to be fruitless in your encounter with a godhead, I shall give you a son in your womb and arrange it so, oh my beauty, that you will not be defiled.'
(35) With this promise the sun god made her pregnant and returned to his heavenly abode. Directly thereafter a child was born that looked like a second sun god. (36) Afraid of what the people might think she greatly sorry gave up that child [Karna: 'into the ear'] by letting it go in the water of the river [in a basket, see also 9.23: 13]. Pându, your pious and chivalrous great-grandfather, was the one who [later on] married her.
(37) From the marriage of S'rutadevâ [Kuntî's sister] with Vriddhas'armâ, the king of Karûsha, the son Dantavakra was born. Dantavakra was the [incarnation of the] one who became a son of Diti [called Hiranyâksha], after having been cursed by the sages [by the Kumâras, see Jaya and Vijaya]. (38) Dhrishthaketu, the king of Kekaya, married [Kuntî's sister] S'rutakîrti with whom he had five sons of whom Santardana was the eldest. (39) Râjâdhidevî married Jayasena and gave birth to two sons [named Vinda and Anuvinda]. S'rutas'ravâ married Damaghosha, the king of Cedi. (40) S'is'upâla was her son. His birth I already described to you [7.1: 46; 7.10: 38]. Devabhâga [one of Vasudeva's brothers] had with the wife Kamsâ [the sons] Citraketu and Brihadbala. (41) Devas'ravâ fathered with Kamsavatî the sons Suvîra and Ishumân. Kanka together with his wife Kankâ gave life to the sons Baka, Satyajit and Purujit. (42) Sriñjaya had together with Râshthrapâlikâ sons of whom Vrisha and Durmarshana were the eldest. S'yâmaka gave together with S'ûrabhûmi life to the sons Harikes'a and Hiranyâksha. (43) Vatsaka fathered Vrika and other sons together with his wife Mis'rakes'î, a girl of heaven. Vrika with his wife Durvâkshî had sons that were headed by Taksha, Pushkara and S'âla. (44) S'amîka together with Sudâmanî gave life to sons who were headed by Sumitra and Arjunapâla. Ânaka together with his wife Karnikâ brought two sons into the world who were called Ritadhâmâ and Jaya.
(45) The wives of Ânakadundubhi [Vasudeva, see also 21-23] were first of all Devakî and then Pauravî, Rohinî, Bhadrâ, Madirâ, Rocanâ and Ilâ. (46) The sons who were begotten by Vasudeva in Rohinî were Krita, the eldest son and Bala, Gada, Sârana, Durmada, Vipula, Dhruva and others. (47-48) Bhûta the eldest son, Subhadra, Bhadrabâhu, Durmada and Bhadra belonged to the twelve sons Pauravî gave birth to. Nanda, Upananda, Kritaka, S'ûra and others were the sons of Madirâ, while Kaus'alyâ [Bhadrâ] gave birth to only one son named Kes'î. (49) Vasudeva begot in Rocanâ the sons Hasta, Hemângada and others. In Ilâ he begot the sons with Uruvalka as the eldest one who were the leading personalities of the Yadu dynasty. (50) Ânakadundubhi begot in Dhritadevâ one son: Viprishthha, while Pras'ama, Prasita and others were the sons he had with S'ântidevâ oh King. (51) With Upadevâ there were ten sons headed by Râjanya, Kalpa and Varsha. Vasu, Hamsa and Suvams'a and others were the six sons [Vasudeva had] with S'rîdevâ. (52) With his wife Devarakshitâ he also gave life to nine sons of whom Gadâ was the first one. With Sahadevâ Vasudeva fathered eight sons. (53-55) These sons headed by S'ruta and Pravara [or Pauvara], were of the same dharma as the Vasus [they were their incarnations]. Vasudeva begot in Devakî eight highly qualified sons: Kîrtimân, Sushena, Bhadrasena, Riju, Sammardana, Bhadra and [Bhagavân] Sankarshana, the serpent controller [the ruler of the ego, see 3.26: 25]. The eighth one to appear from them was the Lord in person [Lord Krishna]. Subhadrâ [His sister], as you know, is your so greatly fortunate grandmother oh King.
(12) From Vrishni [the son of Sâtvata] the sons Sumitra and Yudhâjit appeared oh subduer of the enemies. S'ini and Anamitra then took birth [from Yudhâjit] and from Anamitra the son Nighna appeared. (13) Nighna fathered the sons Satrâjit and Prasena. Anamitra had another son who was also called S'ini and Satyaka was his son. (14) Yuyudhâna was fathered by Satyaka. His son was Jaya and from him there was Kuni whose son was Yugandhara. Another son of Anamitra was Vrishni. (15) S'vaphalka and Citraratha were the sons of Vrishni. Akrûra was by S'vaphalka begotten in Gândinî. He was the eldest of twelve other most celebrated sons: (16-18) Âsanga, Sârameya, Mridura, Mriduvit, Giri, Dharmavriddha, Sukarmâ, Kshetropeksha, Arimardana; S'atrughna, Gandhamâda and Pratibâhu. Next to these twelve sons there was also a daughter called Sucârâ. From Akrûra there were two sons named Devavân and Upadeva. Citraratha had many sons beginning with Prithu and Vidûratha, who are known as the sons of Vrishni.
(19) Kukura, Bhajamâna, S'uci and Kambalabarhisha [were the sons of Andhaka, see 6-8]. Kukura had a son called Vahni from whom Vilomâ was born. (20) His son Kapotaromâ had the son Anu who had a friend called Tumburu [a famous Gandharva, a musician]. From Andhaka [Anu's son] there was Dundubhi who gave life to Avidyota who fathered a son called Punarvasu. (21-23) From him there were Âhuka and Âhukî, a son and a daughter. From Âhuka there were the sons Devaka and Ugrasena. Devaka had four sons: Devavân, Upadeva, Sudeva and Devavardhana. There were also seven daughters, o protector of man: S'ântidevâ, Upadevâ, S'rîdevâ, Devarakshitâ, Sahadevâ, Devakî and Dhritadevâ who was the eldest. Vasudeva [Krishna's father] married them. (24) Kamsa, Sunâmâ, Nyagrodha, Kanka, S'anku, Suhû, Râshthrapâla, Dhrishthi and Tushthimân were the sons of Ugrasena. (25) Ugrasena's daughters Kamsâ, Kamsavatî, Kankâ, S'ûrabhû and Râshthrapâlikâ became the wives of the younger brothers of Vasudeva.
(26) Vidûratha [the son of Citraratha] begot S'ûra who had a son called Bhajamâna from whose loins S'ini was born. S'ini fathered the son called Bhoja and his son is also known as Hridika. (27) His sons were called Devamîdha, S'atadhanu and Kritavarmâ. From Devamîdha there was [another son called] S'ûra who had a wife named Mârishâ. (28-31) With her he begot ten perfect sons: Vasudeva, Devabhâga, Devas'ravâ, Ânaka, Sriñjaya, S'yâmaka, Kanka, S'amîka, Vatsaka and Vrika. When Vasudeva took his birth he was welcomed by the godly ones with the sounds of kettledrums. He is also called Ânakadundubhi ['kettle drum beaten'] because he provided the Lord's [Lord Krishna, Vâsudeva] place of birth. S'ûra's daughters Prithâ [the mother of Arjuna who was Krishna's nephew and friend] S'rutadevâ, S'rutakîrti, S'rutas'ravâ and Râjâdhidevî were Vasudeva's five sisters. Father S'ûra gave Prithâ to a childless friend called Kunti. [Therefore she is also known as Kuntî].
(32) She received from Durvâsâ, whom she had pleased, the knowledge to call for any demigod. Just to examine that potency she, the pious one, summoned the sun god. (33) When she saw the godhead appearing before her, she was very surprised and said: 'Forgive me oh godhead, please return, I only engaged this way to check out what it would do!'
(34) [The sun god answered:] 'In order not to be fruitless in your encounter with a godhead, I shall give you a son in your womb and arrange it so, oh my beauty, that you will not be defiled.'
(35) With this promise the sun god made her pregnant and returned to his heavenly abode. Directly thereafter a child was born that looked like a second sun god. (36) Afraid of what the people might think she greatly sorry gave up that child [Karna: 'into the ear'] by letting it go in the water of the river [in a basket, see also 9.23: 13]. Pându, your pious and chivalrous great-grandfather, was the one who [later on] married her.
(37) From the marriage of S'rutadevâ [Kuntî's sister] with Vriddhas'armâ, the king of Karûsha, the son Dantavakra was born. Dantavakra was the [incarnation of the] one who became a son of Diti [called Hiranyâksha], after having been cursed by the sages [by the Kumâras, see Jaya and Vijaya]. (38) Dhrishthaketu, the king of Kekaya, married [Kuntî's sister] S'rutakîrti with whom he had five sons of whom Santardana was the eldest. (39) Râjâdhidevî married Jayasena and gave birth to two sons [named Vinda and Anuvinda]. S'rutas'ravâ married Damaghosha, the king of Cedi. (40) S'is'upâla was her son. His birth I already described to you [7.1: 46; 7.10: 38]. Devabhâga [one of Vasudeva's brothers] had with the wife Kamsâ [the sons] Citraketu and Brihadbala. (41) Devas'ravâ fathered with Kamsavatî the sons Suvîra and Ishumân. Kanka together with his wife Kankâ gave life to the sons Baka, Satyajit and Purujit. (42) Sriñjaya had together with Râshthrapâlikâ sons of whom Vrisha and Durmarshana were the eldest. S'yâmaka gave together with S'ûrabhûmi life to the sons Harikes'a and Hiranyâksha. (43) Vatsaka fathered Vrika and other sons together with his wife Mis'rakes'î, a girl of heaven. Vrika with his wife Durvâkshî had sons that were headed by Taksha, Pushkara and S'âla. (44) S'amîka together with Sudâmanî gave life to sons who were headed by Sumitra and Arjunapâla. Ânaka together with his wife Karnikâ brought two sons into the world who were called Ritadhâmâ and Jaya.
(45) The wives of Ânakadundubhi [Vasudeva, see also 21-23] were first of all Devakî and then Pauravî, Rohinî, Bhadrâ, Madirâ, Rocanâ and Ilâ. (46) The sons who were begotten by Vasudeva in Rohinî were Krita, the eldest son and Bala, Gada, Sârana, Durmada, Vipula, Dhruva and others. (47-48) Bhûta the eldest son, Subhadra, Bhadrabâhu, Durmada and Bhadra belonged to the twelve sons Pauravî gave birth to. Nanda, Upananda, Kritaka, S'ûra and others were the sons of Madirâ, while Kaus'alyâ [Bhadrâ] gave birth to only one son named Kes'î. (49) Vasudeva begot in Rocanâ the sons Hasta, Hemângada and others. In Ilâ he begot the sons with Uruvalka as the eldest one who were the leading personalities of the Yadu dynasty. (50) Ânakadundubhi begot in Dhritadevâ one son: Viprishthha, while Pras'ama, Prasita and others were the sons he had with S'ântidevâ oh King. (51) With Upadevâ there were ten sons headed by Râjanya, Kalpa and Varsha. Vasu, Hamsa and Suvams'a and others were the six sons [Vasudeva had] with S'rîdevâ. (52) With his wife Devarakshitâ he also gave life to nine sons of whom Gadâ was the first one. With Sahadevâ Vasudeva fathered eight sons. (53-55) These sons headed by S'ruta and Pravara [or Pauvara], were of the same dharma as the Vasus [they were their incarnations]. Vasudeva begot in Devakî eight highly qualified sons: Kîrtimân, Sushena, Bhadrasena, Riju, Sammardana, Bhadra and [Bhagavân] Sankarshana, the serpent controller [the ruler of the ego, see 3.26: 25]. The eighth one to appear from them was the Lord in person [Lord Krishna]. Subhadrâ [His sister], as you know, is your so greatly fortunate grandmother oh King.
(56) Whenever and wherever there is a decline in dharma and an increase of sinful activities, then, at that time,
the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Master Hari, will manifest Himself [see B.G. 4:
7]. (57) The
Lord's compassion
with the fallen souls is the only reason for Him to take birth and
engage in action oh great leader. He is the Original Master in the
Beyond, the
who is the Supreme Self [see also
B.G. 8:
4]. (58) He mercifully endeavors to put an end to the
deluding influence of material existence, to the mâyâ of the [repeated] birth,
maintenance and death of the living
entities, so that they can attain their true self [so that they can
return home, back to Godhead, see B.G. 15:
and 13: 20-24]. (59)
He strives to
remove all the great military forces
from this world by making the demoniac rulers who call themselves kings
march against
each other [see also 1.11: 35, 3.3
and 7.9: 43]. (60) The activities that the Supreme Lord, the
killer of Madhu, performed together with Sankarshana [Balarâma], are beyond the comprehension of even
minds of the greatest controllers of enlightenment [Brahmâ and
S'iva]. (61) He
displayed His pious activities just to show
the devotees His mercy and
dispel the darkness of the misery and
lamentation of those who are born in this age of Kali. (62) He whose ears are
only once gladdened by the truth of hearing with folded hands about His
glories - that are the best of all the holy
places -, is liberated from his strong desire for karmic activities. (63-64) He who always endeavored with the assistance of the
praiseworthy Kurus, Sriñjayas, Pândavas, Bhojas, Vrishnis,
Madhus, S'ûrasenas and Das'ârhas, pleased human society with His affectionate
smiles, His instructions, His magnanimous, heroic
pastimes and His personal form that is so
attractive in every respect. (65)
All men and women [of
Vrindâvana] who
could never get enough of the sight of His face and forehead that
so brilliantly decorated with the shark-shaped earrings in His
beautiful ears, they who imbibed
His smiles of enjoyment that are a never ending festival to the eye, all got angry with their own eyes when they but blinked [see also B.G. 7:
3]! (66) After
taking birth He left His father's
house and brought prosperity to Vraja [and Vrindâvana]. He killed
many demons there, He
thousands of fine women as His wives and
fathered hundreds of sons. He, the Supreme Personality, was of worship
with many sacrificial ceremonies and expanded with that respect for the
Vedic rituals His glory among the people [the householders, see also B.G. 4:
8]. (67) On
the battlefield [of Kurukshetra] He put an end
to the great burden on this earth of Kuru personalities by arranging a
quarrel among them. Under His supervision all the profit-minded
rulers were destroyed to the occasion of which He declared [to Arjuna] what
in life would be the victory of conquering [of being devoted, see Gîtâ]. Finally, after giving transcendental
instructions to Uddhava [see 3.2,
3.4: 29, eleventh canto], He returned to His heavenly abode.'
(Picture: family tree from Purûravâ up to Krishna)
Thus the ninth Canto of the S'rîmad Bhâgavatam ends named: Liberation.