Who Is The True Devotee
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    Welcome, Guest · RSS 2025-02-02, 0:58 AM

    Who Is The True Devotee

    To prove the love of his devotees, one day, Krishna pretended that he had a headache. Krishna told Narada that he would recover only if a devotee smeared the dust from his or her feet on Krishna's forehead.

    Startled at the remedy, Narada went to Krishna's queens for help. Narada and the gopisThe queens shuddered at this proposal, because they felt that the gods would curse them for this disrespectful act. Then Narada went to the gopis and explained the purpose of his visit. He told them that Krishna's headache could be cured only with the dust from the feet of a true devotee. The gopis immediately collected some dust from their feet and gave it to Narada. Narada understood that the gopis loved Krishna blindly, so much that they could even risk not getting salvation to save him.