Chapter 62: Ûshâ in Love and Aniruddha Apprehended
honorable king said: 'Bâna's daughter named
Ûshâ ['dawn'] married the best of the Yadus
[Aniruddha] and because of that took a great and
terrible battle place between the Lord and S'ankara [S'iva
as 'the auspicious']; o great yogi, I give it to you to
explain all this.'
(2) S'rî S'uka said: 'Bâna ['arrow'], the eldest son of the one hundred sons born from the semen of Bali ['gift'] - the great soul who donated the earth to the Lord who had appeared in the form of Vâmana [see 8.19-22] -, was, respectable and magnanimous, intelligent and truthful in his vows, always fixed in his devotion for Lord S'iva. In the charming city known as S'onita ['resin'] made he his kingdom, where the immortals served him as if they were menial servants. They did so because in the past S'ambhu ['the beneficent' or S'iva] had been pleased by him as he, having a thousands arms, had played musical instruments while Mrida [S'iva as 'the gracious'] was dancing. (3) He, the great lord and master of all created beings, the compassionate giver of shelter to his devotees, rewarded him with a benediction to his choice and he chose for him [S'iva] as the guardian of his city. (4) He, intoxicated by his strength, with a helmet bright as the sun once present at his side said to Giris'a [S'iva as the lord of the mountain] touching his lotus feet: (5) 'I bow down to you Mahâdeva [great god], o controller and spiritual master of the worlds who like a tree from heaven fulfills all the wishes of the people who feel unfulfilled. (6) The one thousand arms you gave me have become but a burden to me and except for you do I in the three worlds not find an equal opponent. (7) With my arms itching to pulverize mountains I went to fight the elephants of all directions o primeval one, but terrified of me they all ran away.'
(2) S'rî S'uka said: 'Bâna ['arrow'], the eldest son of the one hundred sons born from the semen of Bali ['gift'] - the great soul who donated the earth to the Lord who had appeared in the form of Vâmana [see 8.19-22] -, was, respectable and magnanimous, intelligent and truthful in his vows, always fixed in his devotion for Lord S'iva. In the charming city known as S'onita ['resin'] made he his kingdom, where the immortals served him as if they were menial servants. They did so because in the past S'ambhu ['the beneficent' or S'iva] had been pleased by him as he, having a thousands arms, had played musical instruments while Mrida [S'iva as 'the gracious'] was dancing. (3) He, the great lord and master of all created beings, the compassionate giver of shelter to his devotees, rewarded him with a benediction to his choice and he chose for him [S'iva] as the guardian of his city. (4) He, intoxicated by his strength, with a helmet bright as the sun once present at his side said to Giris'a [S'iva as the lord of the mountain] touching his lotus feet: (5) 'I bow down to you Mahâdeva [great god], o controller and spiritual master of the worlds who like a tree from heaven fulfills all the wishes of the people who feel unfulfilled. (6) The one thousand arms you gave me have become but a burden to me and except for you do I in the three worlds not find an equal opponent. (7) With my arms itching to pulverize mountains I went to fight the elephants of all directions o primeval one, but terrified of me they all ran away.'
(10) His virgin daughter named Ûshâ in a dream had an amorous encounter with the son of Pradyumna while she never before had seen or heard of the lover she thus had found [see *]. (11) She, not seeing him [anymore] in her dream, disturbed rose to her feet while she was in the midst of her girlfriends and felt greaty embarrassed hearing herself say 'Where are you my lover?' (12) The daughter Citralekhâ ['the fine sketch-artist'] of a minister of Bâna named Kumbhânda, thereupon as a friend of hers most curiously questioned her companion Ûshâ. (13) 'Who is it you're looking for o beautiful eyebrows, and what is it that you expect from him, for we as yet haven't seen anyone winning your hand o princess.'
(14) 'In my dream I saw a certain man with a dark complexion, lotuslike eyes, yellow garments and mighty arms - one of the kind stirring a woman's heart. (15) Him I am seeking, that lover who made me drink the honey of His lips and who, gone elsewhere, has left me, hankering for Him, in an ocean of distress.'
(16) Citralekhâ said: 'I'll take away your distress; if He's to be found anywhere in the three worlds, I'll bring Him to you, that husband-to-be, that thief who stole your heart - please point Him out to me.'
(17) Thus having spoken she accurately drew for her the demigod and the heavenly singer, the one perfected, the venerable one and the lowlife serpent, the demon, the magician, the supernatural and the human being. (18-19) Of the humans she drew Vrishnis like S'ûrasena, Vasudeva, Balarâma and Krishna but seeing Pradyumna Ûshâ became bashful and with Aniruddha being drawn she bent down her head in embarrassment o great lord, and said smiling: 'That's Him, that one here!' (20) Citralekhâ, the yoginî, recognizing Him as Krishna's grandson [Aniruddha] then went, o King, by the higher spheres [the mystical way] to Dvârakâ, the city under the protection of Krishna. (21) Pradyumna's son asleep on a fine bed did she, using her yogic power, take from there to S'onitapura in order to show her girlfriend her Beloved. (22) Upon seeing Him, that most beautiful man, lit her face up and had she a good time together with the son of Pradyumna in her private quarters, a place forbidden to the sight of men. (23-24) With priceless garments, garlands, fragrances, lamps, sitting places and such; with beverages, liquid and solid food and with words she worshiped Him in faithful service. And thus continuously keeping Him hidden in the maiden quarters lost He, because of her greatly increasing affection, the count of days, the way He in His senses was diverted by Ûshâ. (25-26) She thus enjoyed by the Yadu-hero in breaking her vow [of chastity] could not conceal the symptoms of her extreme happiness that were noticed by her governesses who reported [to Bâna, her father]: 'O King, we've noticed that your daughter is of the for an unmarried girl faulty conduct that besmirches the family. (27) Well guarded by us within the palace and never having left, o master, have we no idea how she, hidden from the looks of men, could have been deflowered.'
(28) Bâna upon hearing of the defilement of his daughter most disturbed quickly headed for the maiden quarters where he upon his arrival saw the most eminent of the Yadus. (29-30) He stood perplexed to behold sitting in front of her that son of Cupid, the exclusive beauty of all the worlds, dark-skinned in yellow clothes, with His lotuseyes, mighty arms, earrings and locks, smiling with the glow and glances from His adorned face, as He played dice with His all-auspicious sweetheart, of whom the red of the kunkuma of her breasts was smeared all over the by her manufactured springtime jasmine garland that hung between His arms. (31) Seeing him entering surrounded by many an armed guard raised the Sweet Lord His club made of muru [a type of iron] to stand firm, ready to strike like death personified with the rod of punishment. (32) They, closing in from all sides to apprehend Him, were by Him struck like a dominant boar faced with a pack of dogs so that they all being hit ran to escape from the palace with their heads, arms and legs crushed. (33) But as He was striking down the guards, did the son of Bali furiously himself capture Him with the [mystical] snake-ropes [of Varuna, see also 8.21: 28]. Ûshâ then was utterly defeated and discouraged, overwhelmed by sorrow crying bitter tears when she heard of the arrest.'