17: The Dynasties
of the Sons of
(10) I have thus described all descendants born in the dynasty of Kâs'i who belong to the line of Kshatravriddha. From [Kshatravriddha's brother] Râbha a son was born called Rabhasa. From him Gambhîra appeared and Akriya was his son. (11) The descendant who took birth from him was called Brahmavit. Now hear about the descendants of Anenâ. There was a son called S'uddha from whom S'uci was born who had a son called Citrakrit who was also known as Dharmasârathi. (12) From him S'ântaraja was born who performed all kinds of Vedic rituals. He was a self-realized soul [and the line ended with him]. From Rajî there were five-hundred sons who were most powerful. (13) Rajî who on the request of the godly ones killed the demons, returned the heavenly kingdom back to Indra, the king of heaven. But Indra, afraid of the enmity of Prahlâda and others, gave it back [to the demons] and clasped Rajî's feet in surrender. (14) When their father passed away the great Indra requested Rajî's sons to return the heavenly kingdom. They did not do that and gave him a share of the offerings. (15) The spiritual master [Brihaspati] offered oblations in the fire so that Indra could kill all of Rajî's sons who had fallen from the path of righteousness. None of them remained alive. (16) From Kus'a, Kshatravriddha's grandson, Prati was born. His son called Sañjaya had a son named Jaya who fathered the son Krita from whose loins next king Haryabala was born. (17) From Sahadeva, who was his son, Hîna was born. His son Jayasena fathered Sankriti. Sankriti also had a son named Jaya who was a dutiful kshatriya and a mighty warrior. These were all the kings in the [Âyu] dynasty of Kshatravriddha, now hear from me about the descendants of Nahusha.'