The honorable king [Nimi] said: 'Please tell
us of the activities of each of these self chosen appearances, by which
the Lord performed, is performing and will perform in this world [see
also 2.7].'
(2) S'rî Drumila said: 'Indeed, he who tries to enumerate the unlimited transcendental qualities of the Unlimited One is certainly a person with the intelligence of a child; somehow may one in time count the particles of dust of the earth, but not so the qualities of the Reservoir of all Potencies [see also 10.14: 7, 10.51: 38]. (3) When the Original Personality of Godhead Nârâyana entered His plenary expansion, the from Himself generated body of the universe created out of the five material elements, became He thus known as the Purusha [see also 1.3: 1]. (4) Within this elaborate three-world body of His are there from His senses both the senses of action and perception of the embodied beings, is there from His nature the spiritual knowledge and from His tradition strength and ability. He is the prime mover [the original doer ànd non-doer] who by the goodness and the other qualities is of creation, destruction and maintenance [see B.G. 3: 27, 13: 30 and S.B. 6.17: 19, 3.26: 7, 3.27: 2, 3.32: 12-15, 10.46: 41, 10.83: 3]. (5) In the beginning manifested He in the creation of this universe through the mode of passion the One commanding the hundreds [of sages: Lord Brahmâ]; in the maintenance as the protector of dharma of the twice-born He became Vishnu, the Lord of Sacrifice and for the annihilation in the mode of ignorance He became Rudra [Lord S'iva]; thus is He the Original Person always of creation, maintenance and destruction among the created beings [see also 2.10: 41-46, 4.29: 79, 4.30: 23].
(2) S'rî Drumila said: 'Indeed, he who tries to enumerate the unlimited transcendental qualities of the Unlimited One is certainly a person with the intelligence of a child; somehow may one in time count the particles of dust of the earth, but not so the qualities of the Reservoir of all Potencies [see also 10.14: 7, 10.51: 38]. (3) When the Original Personality of Godhead Nârâyana entered His plenary expansion, the from Himself generated body of the universe created out of the five material elements, became He thus known as the Purusha [see also 1.3: 1]. (4) Within this elaborate three-world body of His are there from His senses both the senses of action and perception of the embodied beings, is there from His nature the spiritual knowledge and from His tradition strength and ability. He is the prime mover [the original doer ànd non-doer] who by the goodness and the other qualities is of creation, destruction and maintenance [see B.G. 3: 27, 13: 30 and S.B. 6.17: 19, 3.26: 7, 3.27: 2, 3.32: 12-15, 10.46: 41, 10.83: 3]. (5) In the beginning manifested He in the creation of this universe through the mode of passion the One commanding the hundreds [of sages: Lord Brahmâ]; in the maintenance as the protector of dharma of the twice-born He became Vishnu, the Lord of Sacrifice and for the annihilation in the mode of ignorance He became Rudra [Lord S'iva]; thus is He the Original Person always of creation, maintenance and destruction among the created beings [see also 2.10: 41-46, 4.29: 79, 4.30: 23].
(9) O god of men [Nimi], after He who Brings Fearlessness had spoken this way, bowed the gods ashamed to Him, begging with their heads down for compassion saying: 'O Almighty One, such a grace is not so unusual with You, the Supreme One Unchanging to whose feet in great numbers bow down the ones sober and self-satisfied [see also 1.7: 10]. (10) For those who serve You to transcend their material worlds of living and reach Your abode, are there many hindrances created by the enlightened souls [or the demigods], but for the other type of devotee, the devotee who in sacrifices is offering and allots those God-conscious ones their share, there is no such thing because he with You as his Protector with his foot steps over the head that [with those gods] was formed by that obstacle [see also 9.4: * and 10.2: 33]. (11) Some try to defeat the hunger, thirst and other physical conditions that with us in time by the seasons might occur, by controlling their breath, tongue and sexual urges, but [because of that frustration] they fall victim of anger and thus waste the benefit of their difficult austeristies. With their penance rendered useless they are like people who crossed over limitless oceans just to drown in a calf's hoofprint [see B.G. 17: 5-6, 6.1: 16 and compare 5.8: 23 and 10.12: 12].'
(12) With them thus offering praise manifested He before their eyes [a host of] women most wonderful in appearance, who all nicely decorated performed reverential service to the Almighty One [see also 2.7: 6]. (13) Seeing these women were the followers of the godly bewildered by the magnificence of their beauty and fragrance which rivaled that of the goddess of fortune en were they defeated in their opulence. (14) To those who bowed down before Him said the Lord of All Lords with a faint smile: 'Please choose any of these ladies suitable as an ornament of heaven.'
(15) Vibrating 'om' to that, offered those servants of the demigods the Lord their obeisances and returned they to heaven with placing Urvas'î, the best of the Apsaras, in front of them. (16) Bowing down to Lord Indra in his assembly told they him, as the residents of the three heavens were listening, about the strength of Nârâyana. He was perplexed. (17) Acyuta in the form of the [transcendental] swan speaking about selfrealization, Dattâtreya, the Kumâras and Rishabha, is the father, the Supreme Lord Vishnu who for the welfare of the entire world by His expansions descends into this world [B.G. 14: 4]. By Him, the killer of Madhu, were in His horse-incarnation [Hayagrîva] the original texts of the Vedas brought back. (18) In His fish-incarnation [Matsya] were Vaivasvata Manu [Satyavrata], the planet earth, and the herbs protected; in His boar-incarnation [Varâha] delivering the earth from the waters, was the demoniac son [Hiranyâksha] of Diti killed; as a tortoise [Kurma] He held the mountain when the nectar was being churned upon His back and [as Vishnu] He freed the king of the elephants [Gajendra] who surrendered to Him in his distress because of the crocodile. (19) He delivered from [a laughing] Indra the ascetic sages [the Vâlakhilyas] who offering prayers had fallen [into the water of a cow's hoofprint]; He delivered Indra from the darkness of having killed Vritrâsura; He delivered the wives of the demigods imprisoned in the asura palace [by Bhaumâsura]; as Nrisimhadeva He killed Hiranyakas'ipu, the asura king, in order to bring the saintly devotees fearlessness. (20) For the sake of the God-fearing He killed the daitya leaders in the battle between the gods and the demons [see 8.10], by His various appearances [the ams'a-avatâras] during the reign of each Manu He protects all the worlds and as Lord Vâmana took He on the pretext of charity the earth away from Bali to return her to the sons of Aditi. (21) As Lord Paras'urâma rid He the earth of the members of the ruling class and destroyed He as the fire that He descending from Bhrigu was, twenty-seven times over the dynasty of Haihaya. As the husband of Sîtâ [Râmacandra] subdued He the ocean and killed He Ten-head [Râvana] along with the soldiers of Lankâ. When one tells the stories about the glories of Him who is always victorious, is the contamination of the entire world annihilated. (22) The Unborn Lord [as Krishna] taking His birth in the Yadu-dynasty, will, in order to diminish the burden of the earth, perform deeds even difficult for the godly to perform; as [the Buddha] will He by speculative arguments bewilder the ones unfit to perform the vedic sacrifices and at the end of Kali-yuga will He [as Lord Kalki] put an end to all the low-class rulers. (23) Of the so very glorious Lord of the Living Being [the Lord of the Universe Jagadîs'vara] thus described, o mighty-armed one, there are innumerable appearances and activities just like these.'